A brand comes after business, but what comes after the brand?
The brand identity.
In the world we live in today, ads from all sorts of brands continuously bombard us. We may not pay attention to them, but there’s something that absorbs in the subconscious. It’s the visible features of the brand than just the logo.
A brand defines a business, where it’s identity sums up its complete image, motto, voice, products, and services. While a person is known by the company he keeps, a brand is recognized by the identity it projects to its customers.
Mammoths in every industry may have the upper hand in reaching out to their prospects, but any brand can make the impression with an identity. They can create a loyalty portal where customers can view the brand under the light of trust and loyalty.
Though it bears fruiting results, brand identity comes as a complicated task that can hinder a great brand’s journey. If you’re struggling with highlighting your brand’s image, or want to learn about it before you start, this article walks you through the necessary steps of creating a solid brand identity.
So, let’s start.
1. Know Your Brand
Regardless of the brand you’re running, you may believe that having just a good logo will do enough. It won’t. Your brand is like the knot that ties your business’s intrinsic and extrinsic elements together. From defining your brand’s message to creating a visual identity, the business should hit all the customer pain points to create a massive appeal.Before all these elements are combined, you must ask yourself if your brand is positioned in the right direction. See if your brand works through your team and your targets. Highlight its value for your customers and bring forth the distinction your brand carries.
2. Know Your Audience
Whenever you’ve launched your brand, it’s time you learn that your brand is actually about the audience than yourself. The core vision, mission, values, services, and products might be your words, but you must focus on what your audience wants from you. The more particular you get, the more you meet the demands of your clients and consumers.The primary way is to sharpen your sense of who your customers are, what their demographics are, what they want, and how you can serve them. Without knowing what your audience wants from you, your brand is bound to get lost in the ocean of market misfits.
3. Conduct Your Research
Research is important. First comes your niche, then your targets, followed by competitors. It helps you shed extra information and allows you to build a credible brand identity. It’s a strenuous stage where the considerable effort will enable you to gather as much relevant information about your industry and customers.You can start simply by creating a persona based on your product goals and use those customer profiles to narrow your approach. These customer profiles will help you target your customers, and communicate and interact with them. Google Trends is a great way to locate your target audience and their preferences. After that, search for how your competitors are doing it. Note down their strategies and compare them with your brand to identify the missing edge.
4. Strengthen Your Brand’s Voice And Message
If you’ve noticed, every recognizable brand has a mission statement, a message, a voice. It tells the customers directly what they do, why they do it, and how they do it. You see, your brand will become recognizable when your audience trusts you. And they will only believe you when your brand voice and message resonates with them.For instance, if you run a hospitality brand, your voice should touch the critical points of what value your brand offers to your clients. Tell them how you cater to their convenience. More than stating your goals, focus on solidifying the message with a clear and crisp tone.
5. Provide Value To Your Customers
There will always be brands that will have a massive budget and greater resources, but the products, services, and values you provide to your customers are individual to you. Though you and your competitors are competing for the same audience, make sure you give your clients a reason to choose your brand over others.It could be your outstanding service, affordability, or anything that improves the quality of life of your customers. Put your customers before you.
6. Bring All The Brand Elements Together
Though each of your brand elements might be solid, they might not work well if they’re paired up with a completely different idea. Think for yourself; you’ll only get a lousy reputation if you claim to sell housekeeping services when your staff doesn’t practice hygiene.The best thing to do? Align your brand elements from your mission to your service. If you say you’re the leading cleaning service, you must integrate the ‘clean’ in every aspect of your identity.
7. Get A Logo Designed
Though a brand’s identity doesn’t depend solely on the logo, it’s still a crucial component. It’s a silent yet the loudest brand ambassador that becomes highly recognizable with the services you provide. As per your brand personality, it should reflect what your brand is about. And with that, it must be unique.Since it appears across every media exposed to the world and will iterate your brand and associated services in the minds of the audience, you must be willing to invest in a good logo by having it created from a professional logo design company in Dallas.
Your logo should be a timeless entity that flashes the moments and experiences a user has had with a brand.