The Importance of Having a Convenient Hand Washing Station in Your Business


The Importance of Having a Convenient Hand Washing Station in Your Business

Safe Milli
| July 28, 2021 Last Updated 2021-07-28T10:29:58Z
The hands serve as the main pathway as far as pathogen transmission is concerned. You need to meticulously clean your hands in order to reduce the spread of infections. Washing your hands in the proper manner will help keep you and your staff safe.

A portable hand washing station can help keep your workers and customers safe. Here, we will explain why it is important to have a convenient hand washing station in your business.
Hand Washing Station

Why is Hand Hygiene so Important in the Workplace?

Proper hand hygiene will reduce the spread of infections. It is the first line of defense towards the spread of many ailments and diseases.

You should wash your hands before you put on work gloves, as well as after you have removed said gloves. You should also wash your hands after you have used any type of machinery.

It is also important to sneeze or cough into your sleeve instead of coughing directly into your hand or fist. Remember to also wash your hands after you sneeze or cough, as well as to wash your hands after you have shaken hands with someone.

You should also wash your hands before and after you consume a meal, and you should also wash your hands after you have finished using the bathroom.

What are the Benefits of Choosing Portable Hand Washing Sinks?

You can promote optimal hand hygiene by purchasing a portable hand washing sink. They serve as a suitable place to ensure that people wash their hands in order to maintain proper hygiene.

Thanks to casters, portable hand washing sinks can be moved around a facility with ease, whenever, and wherever they are needed. Portable hand washing sinks are easy to set-up, use, and manage.

They are also very convenient. Your patrons will have instant access to running water that is also clean.

The wait times of your indoor washrooms will also be significantly reduced, and patrons and workers won’t have to travel long distances in order to have access to clean running water.

Portable hand washing sinks can also be arranged in a wide array of configurations thanks to their versatility and compactness. You can also configure and modify them using a plethora of different accessories and add-ons.

Examples include multiple sink bowls-allowing multiple people to wash their hands at once- as well as door locks, custom bowl sizes, side splashes, and even hinged doors with shelves.

Furthermore, if you want to ensure that your business is compliant with the latest health standards and protocols, then adding a portable hand washing sink will ensure that you adhere to all hand washing regulations in your jurisdiction.

Hand Hygiene Tips for the Workplace

It is very important that all of your workers follow proper hand hygiene throughout the entirety of their shift. You should go above and beyond in order to introduce hand washing initiatives that are easy to follow.

Your door handles can become more hygienic if they are made with antibacterial materials and agents. Your hand washing station should also be state of the art.

Skimping on accessories and other features in order to save costs will likely backfire in the future when workers need to take many sick days due to a viral outbreak.

Clients who become sick may also never eat at your establishment again. Reputation is everything in the food business.

After all, a happy customer is a loyal customer, so optimal hygiene will ensure that all meals are fresh, delicious, and devoid of pathogens and microorganisms that can make patrons ill.

Common areas should also be cleaned on a regular basis in order to reduce the growth and propagation of bacteria.

Each and every one of your employees should also be provided with portable hand sanitizer products as well so that they never have to worry about having unclean hands.

By investing in a quality hand washing station you will ensure that your employees and customers will have convenient access to clean running water whenever they need it.

Going Above and Beyond

Hand washing stations or facilities that are permanent should be installed near workspaces for easy and convenient access.

Hand washing is a must if you want to ensure that your personal hygiene is up to par. Hand washing can also help control epidemics or pandemics, such as the novel coronavirus. Please remember to also avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose whenever possible.

Practicing social distancing whenever possible can also help reduce the spread of viruses, and staff members that are exhibiting any unusual symptoms should be asked to stay home until they fully recover.

Portable hand washing sinks or stations can be moved from place to place as needed, and there are dozens of accessories to choose from if you want to further improve the hand washing experience for your workers and patrons.
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  • The Importance of Having a Convenient Hand Washing Station in Your Business

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