10 High Fiber Foods to Keep You Full for Longer
Monday March 17, 2025


10 High Fiber Foods to Keep You Full for Longer

Safe Milli
| October 26, 2021 Last Updated 2021-11-24T23:44:24Z
When we think about our nutritional goals, our minds tend to go straight to our main macros: protein, carbs, and fat. As a result, we tend to overlook the other aspects of our diets that are just as important.
Fiber Foods
Fiber is a commonly forgotten yet important nutrient which plays a main role in keeping your body functioning as it should. It also works to prolong satiation – which keeps you feeling full and energized for longer.

So, let’s look at some must-try high-fiber foods and discuss why your fiber intake deserves more attention.

High Fiber Foods To Add Into Your Diet


Though avocado is typically known for being an excellent source of heart-healthy fat, this unique fruit is also rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber. One full avocado offers an impressive 13.5 grams of dietary fiber, which is over 50% of the daily recommend intake.

If you’re looking for a superfood that supports heart health, aids weight maintenance, and supports ideal digestive function, adding avocados into your diet is a must.


As a cheap and versatile food option, lentils are great sources of quality protein and dietary fiber. Brown lentils are especially high in nutrition, with one half cup of uncooked brown lentils providing 26 grams of fiber.

Along with being a prime source of dietary fiber, lentils are rich in a certain form of phytochemicals. These health-promoting chemicals have strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects for general health support.

Kidney Beans

Another popular type of legume, kidney beans is full of quality plant-based nutrition. Along with insoluble fiber, kidney beans also contain resistant starch, both of which function as prebiotics.

One cup of cooked beans contains 12 grams of dietary fiber, which supports a healthy, balanced gut biome.


Looking for an easy, nutritious snacking option? Once again living up to their superfood reputation, almonds provide the necessary nutrition to promote healthy gut function and support general wellbeing. Packed full of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, 100 grams of almonds also provides an impressive 13 grams of fiber.

Naked Fiber

On particularly busy days, sometimes you just don’t have the time to incorporate fiber-rich meals into your schedule. That’s where an organic fiber supplement can make all the difference to your daily intake.

One option is Naked Fiber – a premium daily fiber supplement made from organic baobab fruit. Providing 5g of dietary protein per serving, this fiber powder is a great choice for quick, easy nutrition without any hassle.


Many of us are aware that popcorn is a weight-loss-friendly food, providing high satiation while being low in calories. But did you know that popcorn also contains a high amount of fiber?

Every 100 grams of air-popped popcorn packs in 14 grams of dietary fiber, alongside plenty of antioxidants. Next time you’re settling in to watch your favorite movie, consider making a bowl of popcorn to squeeze in some extra daily nutrition.


Oats are highly nutritious, which has earned them a praised reputation throughout the health industry. With each 100-gram serving providing 10 grams of fiber, oats are great for boosting your daily intake.

More specifically, oats contain beta-glucan, which is a powerful type of soluble fiber that provides a variety of health benefits. This soluble fiber may help reduce total cholesterol levels, maintain blood sugar control, and support the growth of good gut bacteria.

Chia Seeds

Though they’ve become increasingly popular over the years, some of us still aren’t aware of how healthy chia seeds are. These seeds are loaded with antioxidants, protein, healthy fats, and soluble fiber.

In fact, these nutrition-packed seeds are now seen as one of the best sources of fiber in the world. Just one ounce of chia seeds provides 11 grams of dietary fiber.


Though they’re usually associated with being high in potassium, bananas are also a convenient source of dietary fiber. In particular, unripe bananas contain two main types of fiber – pectin and resistant starch, both of which decrease as the banana ripens.

They make tasty and nutritious additions to peanut butter sandwiches, with one unripe banana adding an extra 3 grams of dietary fiber.

Dark Chocolate

If you’re looking for a tasty treat but still want to get in some quality nutrition, dark chocolate is an excellent option.

Compared to regular milk chocolate, dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% is impressively nutritious. It’s high in powerful antioxidants and each one-ounce piece provides 3.1 grams of dietary fiber.

Additionally, the flavonoids in dark chocolate may even improve brain function and lower the risk of heart disease.

The Benefits Of Dietary Fiber

But why is fiber so important?

Even though your fiber intake may not be at the forefront of your mind, this nutrient plays a key role in maintaining the functionality of your body. Without enough fiber, your wellbeing eventually starts to suffer.

Not only does dietary fiber promote optimal digestive health and boost gut function, but this remarkable nutrient may also:

  • Aid weight maintenance by boosting satiation
  • Balance total cholesterol levels
  • Regulate certain body functions, such as hunger cues Maintain blood sugar control Reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as colon cancer


Your fiber intake has a key impact on the upkeep of your overall health. Moving forward, try to pay closer attention to your daily fiber goals. Though it may seem like a secondary nutrient, dietary fiber plays an essential part in keeping your body in optimal shape and keeping you feeling your best.
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  • 10 High Fiber Foods to Keep You Full for Longer

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