Top 7 Emerging Technology in Education in 2021 & Beyond


Top 7 Emerging Technology in Education in 2021 & Beyond

Safe Milli
| August 09, 2021 Last Updated 2021-08-25T08:09:07Z
Due to the pandemic and the development of distance education, we noticed a rapid increase in the number of technologies in education. Data from the Statista website shows that the number of daily active users (DAUs) for Zoom peaked at around 1.7 million in the UK by the end of November 2020. Most of these people used Zoom to attend lectures and lessons.
Emerging Technology in Education
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The use of educational technology will continue to grow in 2021, and teachers and students will look forward to further improvement.

In this article, we'll take a look at a few of the latest technologies that will impact learning this year and for years to come.

You may have met some of these technologies before - but it is essential to keep track of their changes. Indeed, in the modern world, everything is changing rapidly.

But first, let's figure it out...

Why should educational technology matter?v EdTech is dedicated to technology development in education. What's more, EdTech is about facilitating learning and increasing productivity by creating, using, and managing appropriate workflows and resources.

Techcrunch reports that Edtech's 2021 transaction flow will match or even surpass the 2020 level: at $ 9.4 million, the average transaction size is three times the 2020 level; seven companies raised $ 50 million in five different markets, and the UK has more than three times as many deals as the next single market.

In general, EdTech continuously integrates technology into education to create better teaching and learning experiences, resulting in higher learning outcomes.

Top 7 current trends in educational technology in 2021

1. E-learning

E-learning is education or training delivered electronically. It can be a slide-based interactive session or an online course that helps a business train employees in the skills they need.

When we talk about e-learning, we mean that educational content is delivered to learners via computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. Not only saving time but also opening doors for interactive learning. Instead of a passive experience, learners can choose what they need to learn quickly and easily, wherever they are.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

There is evidence that by 2022 AI may become the primary trend in learning and will grow by more than 45%. AI helps automate basic education activities such as grading.

Forbes writes that artificial intelligence is able to identify patterns and make decisions that are important to users. Learning with artificial intelligence takes into account factors such as the origin of the learner, subject matter, teaching methods, and environment to create an integrated learning experience.
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In addition, AI can benefit both learners and educators. For example, a student can get help from AI mentors when their teacher is too busy or not available at the moment. In addition, AI-based programs can provide helpful feedback to both students and teachers.

3. Gamification

Gamification is an excellent way to turn learning into an exciting process. Gamification is the most appropriate direction in the field of educational technologies. Play elements help create a fun and positive learning environment for students. This technology gives especially good results in teaching children.

The most exciting thing is that you do not have to use ready-made solutions. Still, you can always carry out custom software development to create a game learning tool that is suitable specifically for your educational platform.

4. Learning analytics

Learning Analytics enables educators to measure and report student learning over the Internet. Thanks to this, they will be able to understand better and optimize the training for each participant. Using such analytics, it is much easier to understand the individual characteristics of students. Teachers can notice what knowledge was passed on ineffectively and improve it next time.

Moreover, learning analytics helps educators identify groups of learners who may have academic or behavioral problems. From this, teachers can devise ways to help students reach their full potential.

5. Teaching with video

For remote learning, a video is a necessary tool for convenient immersion in the process of learning new things.

Videos, especially animated videos, are extremely useful for enriching lessons and making the content more understandable. It improves student achievement and reduces the burden on teachers. Plus, with video help, the learning process becomes more transparent and easier for both students and teachers. Thanks to the development of the fast Internet and streaming services, video is becoming a simple and very affordable technology for teaching.
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6. Learning with VR and AR

Since the introduction of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in education, classroom learning has undergone tremendous changes. Learning interactivity is what we need in remote learning.

While VR provides constructed reality, AR provides an enhanced representation of the real-world image. In this way, they help explain complex concepts that simple ideas or even laboratory experiments cannot show to students. For example, virtual reality is very useful when you are taking a medical training course. In particular, virtual reality gives students the opportunity to undergo actual surgery in a low-risk environment.


This technology has already started entering learning some time ago. Still, the EdTech trend is applying meaningful content in science, technology, engineering, art (new element), and mathematics to solve real-world problems through hands-on exercises and creative design. STEAM helps students develop an increasing curiosity about the world around them.

It also creates a safe environment for learners to express and test their ideas and think outside the box. Comfortable hands-on learning also helps students to collaborate better with others.


It is not difficult to imagine what the world of education will be like when we know about all these new technologies and how they can affect the learning process. As for me, education is becoming more exciting and attractive.

If you, too, want to spice up your learning experience and build a modern platform with an engaging learning experience, you can simply go to and get a solid development team. EdTech has already entered our lives; maybe it's time for you to let him into yours?
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  • Top 7 Emerging Technology in Education in 2021 & Beyond
