The Nuts and Bolts of Video Creation


The Nuts and Bolts of Video Creation

Safe Milli
| December 17, 2020 Last Updated 2020-12-18T13:15:18Z

 If you are a content creator or a brand, you've hopefully recognized the value of video content. You also probably know that there has been a surge in the amount and demand for video content over the years

If you want to solidify your brand online, you will have to build an excellent video creation and marketing strategy. Consider using an alternative to Vidyard by Hippo Video for this.

You will have to work with a variety of video types, lengths, plot points, and so on as you build your video marketing strategy. This will depend on a variety of factors like your goals, target audience, niche, social media platforms etc.

For example, you may be better off with 60-second videos for Instagram and relatively longer ones for YouTube and IGTV. In addition to this, you must study your competition and see where you stand.

While you do all this, be sure not to lose sight of storytelling, which is one of the most essential cogs in your marketing machine. You must create engaging videos that inspire emotion to increase your mileage online. Videos that inform, educate, entertain, and evoke emotions tend to do extremely well online. If you want to get started with video creation, here are a few things you should take care of:

What should you remember while shooting videos?

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Use natural light: You need to shoot your videos in natural light for the most part. Try to shoot your videos outdoors as much as possible. However, if you must film indoors, be sure to do it by the window and let some light in.

You can supplement this light with other sources. Use a lighting kit to do this. You can either buy one or make one yourself.

Use High-Quality Equipment : You need to get your hands on quality equipment before you shoot. Ideally, use a DSLR camera or a phone with an excellent camera. You can shoot stellar videos with iPhones. Besides this, you will need high-quality audio equipment. Pick up a high-quality mic and avoid using your phone or camera in-built voice recorder.

Do not use shaky footage : Getting a good camera and mic will not suffice. You cannot use shaky footage, which is why you will also have to get a gimbal or tripod.

Avoid using zoom : Sure, zoom is an excellent feature to use and is required at some points in the video. However, it can be distracting if used too much. Furthermore, you are better off getting closer to the subject instead of filming from a distance and using zoom.

Don't use too many effects : Editing is, arguably, the most fun albeit challenging part of the video creation process. While it can be tempting to use a wide range of effects, you ought to use effects that compliment the footage. Using too many fancy effects may taint the quality of the movie.

What videos can you create?

There are many video types and lengths for you to experiment with. If you want to create videos quickly and without hassle, consider using a free video editing software by Hippo Video.

Educational videos : Educational videos are more valuable than most other video types because they help people who are looking for solutions. In other words, you can expect to get most of your traffic and leads from these videos if you are providing value.

Without these, promotional and marketing videos won't get you very far. Start with topics that your competitors are talking about. You can do long or short videos depending on the topic and platform. Besides this, you can answer specific questions.

Tutorials : Instructional videos or tutorials are incredibly popular. Why wouldn't they be? They are essentially five-minute quick fixes for your problems. Since videos are easy to understand and retain, you ought to make as many tutorials as possible. These videos will help your viewers and people who have already purchased your products, thus increasing your chances of retaining your customers.

Company culture videos : Company culture videos are excellent because they help you show your audience what goes on behind the scenes. You can also use these videos to recruit new people. This way, you give your potential employees a glimpse of your company culture and how things work, making it easy for them to decide to join.

Promo videos : This should go without saying but promo videos are vital. After all, you do want to market your brand. Put out promo videos on every platform you use. Most promo videos are fairly short. You can use promo videos to promote a sale, product launch, collaboration, hiring announcement, event announcement, and other brand updates. Promo videos work well for your audience irrespective of the stage of the marketing funnel they are in.


There you have it - a simple guide to video creation and marketing.

There are several other types of videos you can experiment with. FAQ videos help you answer the most commonly asked questions, thus helping your audience and saving you time in the process.

You should also consider adding a video to your blog posts. Conversely, you should add captions and subtitles to your videos on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms. Many people tend to watch videos without sound these days. 
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  • The Nuts and Bolts of Video Creation

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