Alarming Hunger Issues in America
Monday March 17, 2025


Alarming Hunger Issues in America

Safe Milli
| October 13, 2020 Last Updated 2020-10-13T11:23:54Z

Where the world is facing numerous issues, one of the major issues is Hunger. Food has become an unaffordable luxury for many people because of the increase in unemployment, stagnant wages, and the rise in the cost of living. According to the survey out of 9 Americans 1 American struggles with hunger. The food insecure children were in huge numbers before the coronavirus pandemic.


In America, hunger in childhood is an alarming problem. 1 out of every 7 children has no idea when he is going to get his next meal. Currently, in America, 11 million children are struggling with hunger.


Hunger may be a very big problem for all individuals but it is a very important issue in children. Hunger in America may affect brain development. Children who suffer from malnutrition also have less confidence as compared to other children. In America, 25% of children rely on the relief organization to make their both ends meet. A child who faces an issue of hunger has a major risk of dropping out of school in later years. Therefore, the impact of hunger in childhood can give a lifelong impact that can never be reversed.


Increasing age along with hunger brings many problems for the elderly. The food insecure senior has to face many more challenges because of his age and devastating health condition. Seniors who face the issue of hunger are more likely to experience depression, high blood pressure, headache, and limitation inactivity, and many other chronic diseases.


There are a number of programs in America that were developed to fight with hunger in childhood, such as:


SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) helps by providing money to combat hunger. The money can be used to purchase food items such as vegetables, meat, egg, milk, and add other food items. The money provided by SNAP cannot be used to purchase alcohol, cigarettes, or any other item that has a negative impact on human health.


WIC (Women, infants, and children) apart from SNAP is another federal program. Its main target is to provide food to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, infants, and children.

WIC, unlike SNAP, also provides access to WIC clinics, referral to local health care agencies, and nutrition education also.


Breakfast is an essential part of the day because it gives a healthy start of the day. The breakfast program provides the children with breakfast before school starts, giving them the strength to be mentally active and focussed.


The summer season brings problems for children who rely on the school meal program to fight hunger. There are now programs developed to help children by providing them regular free meals so that they do not remain hungry and their growth does not get affected because of hunger.

Numerous households experience food insecurity in the US and do not qualify to benefit from federal nutritional programs. They can only get support from their local food banks.

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  • Alarming Hunger Issues in America

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