Twitter is truly a delightful platform to become an influencer. The main requirement for you is being communicative, sincere, and devoted to the industry that you are highlighting. Being witty is also a plus, as well as sarcasm or ironic vibes. Twitter is a powerful and vast community, which is based on exchanging their opinions and thought in a short form. It reminds you of the times when texting through SMS was in its blossom.
Although Twitter is not the hardest network for promotion, you still must develop a strategy for that. For sure it won’t make your growth instant, but you still can push your results a little bit with the help of Tweetboost. Yet you should remember that this is not your main lever, only a helping hand to speed up.
Twitter offers different features to use for communication - initial posting, or tweeting, replies, and retweets, which is obviously a word that stands for reposting. Interesting addition to retweets is the possibility to add comments to the original post. And in this article, we want to drive some attention to the retweets, and explain their importance in your progress on Twitter.
This is your instrument for communication
As it was mentioned in this text before, retweets have a wonderful option of adding a comment to the original post. This is a great method to gain more followers. For example, you can retweet some influencer from your niche, and write your opinion to his or her thought that is expressed there. By doing this, you can attract the subscribers of that influencer, and, given you have an interesting profile, add them to your pocket as a done deal. Also, your posts that are most retweeted, are spread further throughout the platform.
Retweeting can give you a start for a discussion within your community, which is always good for your rates. And with reposting, you can reveal your attitude and social position. And since Twitter is highly involved with politics and problems of society, retweeting certain statements can indicate your views and attract like-minded folks.
Retweets are better than likes
For Twitter, likes are a secondary measure for the popularity and actuality of a particular post. On the other hand, we have retweets, which turned out to be a much better indicator of public appreciation. RT’s are a demonstration of agreement, a way to validate a thought, and give your piece of mind - all at once. Likes can not fulfill that, especially on Twitter which is basically a bottomless pit of exchanging thoughts. Things that you repost are part of your image and reputation (we shall get back to this matter a bit later). And your posts that are retweeted the most are your golden standard and have to be pinned from time to time. These are what your audience loves about you the most. Another pleasant feature of retweets is that they are shown in the feed of the one made a repost. Thus, you get an additional range of influence, and that is one of your prominent goals on the platform.
Things that you repost are helping to form your reputation.
This one was also mentioned in the previous paragraph, but it is worth having a separate point. Pay attention to what you retweet. These tweets are revealing your opinion about things, sides of your character, and experience that you had in life. All those are what creates a personality, who is interesting to other people. Of course, when you get a certain fan base on Twitter, your retweets will be examined thoroughly in order to understand you better. People tend to associate themselves with their favorite influencers, that's why they would pay much attention to your retweeting activity.
It doesn’t mean that you should try to please an absolute majority of the Twitter audience. First of all, it would be impossible. Secondly, it will not help you to become an influencer, who has a strong personality. Your retweets have to show your real taste and vision of life. Honesty and truthfulness are accepted much better than anything else on social media, and any kind of insincerity is easily discovered, with the help of your retweets as well.
These are the main reasons why you need to retweet other people, and watch carefully how much RT’s are generated from your posts as well. And the ground rule for your reposting is that you must be choosing the information to retweet very accurately, and always checking if it is relevant to the image that you are creating on Twitter. Of course, you should also check the facts that you are going to repost. Putting on unreliable information has such consequences as losing the trust of your audience. No can do, so it would be much better for your reputation if you are careful with the news you read.
And what about generating retweets from your posts, you say? Well, it is not that simple, as it seems at first. So we have put together a small guide, so you will not lose your opportunities. Here it is:
- Use visuals. A lot. This method is ridiculously easy, yet it is really helpful if you want to increase the number of retweets that you get. Tweets that have pictures or videos are proven to be bringing your RT’s up to 150% higher. Do not overload your account with a visual key, though. Twitter remains a platform that is inspired and based on texting.
- Share interesting facts in the form of infographics. This is a cheat code to the previous point, as it combines entertainment and visual perception tricks. Colorful yet simple schemes and charts are making the information easier to understand, thus increasing the willingness to repost it.
- Be funny. Twitter is loaded with humor of different types. You can find here sarcasm, irony, parody, gags, and any other kind of jokes and memes. For instance, on Twitter exists a profile that posts a literal English translation for Russian memes. Humor is a way for humans to take their minds off the seriousness and heaviness of the daily routine, and people love sharing memes and gags with each other. So becoming a part of the comedy club on Twitter is definitely worth trying, and will bring you lots of retweets.
- Make it personal. Sharing your unique experience is the clue to get more RT’s. Again, people are associating themselves with their favorite bloggers, which is why your specific life event and feelings about it can be triggering the urge to repost. Find what you have in common with your audience. It can be anything - TV shows, tastes in food, dating stories, etc. The point is to catch the same wave with your followers and talk to them, instead of talking at them. And as the discussion initiates, reposts will be coming right next to it.
- Ask your readers to retweet you. Literally. This method is called CTA (call-to-action). It means that you ask them directly to repost a certain tweet. Usually, given that you have a loyal community of followers, it works. People who like you will be happy to help you get yourself acknowledged by more people.