Trading casually in stocks, shares, cryptocurrency and other assets can be a great way to boost your funds, though there is always an element of risk involved. Be sure to do your research and don’t rely too heavily on your chances of success. If you take time to learn the ropes and trade sensibly and with discipline, however, you might just find yourself with a handy stream of extra income.
Refinance or Remortgage
You might wish to remortgage your home in order to release a little equity, which may help with your business expenses. It’s also possible to refinance any student loans with a private lender. As a result, the interest you have to pay and the size of the repayments you’re required to make may reduce significantly each month. This will help you to save money that can then be spent on your business.
Take Out a Loan
Bridging loans and other financial solutions of this kind are best used if you know you’ll soon have access to the funds you need and just need a little cushioning between now and that time at which they’ll arrive. Never take out a loan if you’re not completely sure that you’ll be able to pay the amount back, plus interest, in the time given. It’s also possible to apply to a bank for a business loan, as long as you have a good business plan ready to go.
Sell Unwanted Items
If you’ve been hanging on to belongings that you don’t particularly need, it may be worth selling them online or as part of a garage sale. You might be surprised at what you can make, plus, it’s often good to have a clear out. Every little helps when you’re trying to get a business off the ground, not matter how large or small.
Many successful start-ups were initially crowdfunded, at least in part. Make sure you have some great images and examples of your work to share with visitors to your crowdfunding page. Carefully cost your required amount using real-life quotes. The best crowdfunders offer reward tiers depending on the amount pledged. Why not offer donors an invite to your launch event, a free product or some nice branded freebies in return for their generosity?