Why Do People Become Gambling Addicted And How To Prevent It?
Wednesday March 19, 2025


Why Do People Become Gambling Addicted And How To Prevent It?

| September 03, 2020 Last Updated 2020-09-25T10:15:27Z

 Playing games in online casinos is an acceptable social behavior in most European countries. A large percentage of the population in Scandinavian nations takes part in iGaming. This seemingly innocuous behavior becomes problem gaming when the player becomes addicted and spends a lot of time and money on this activity. Addiction to online gaming can be a big problem for the individual as it can lead to financial losses and ruined relationships. Authorities in Scandinavian nations are aware of this aspect of online gaming and try to control the industry through regulations.  

Playing games in online casinos is an acceptable social behavior in most European countries. A large percentage of the population in Scandinavian nations takes part in iGaming. This seemingly innocuous behavior becomes problem gaming when the player becomes addicted and spends a lot of time and money on this activity. Addiction to online gaming can be a big problem for the individual as it can lead to financial losses and ruined relationships. Authorities in Scandinavian nations are aware of this aspect of online gaming and try to control the industry through regulations.  

Scientists have tried to explain the gambling addiction through the reward system that works with it. As a person tries his luck and wins by chance, his urge to replicate the success increases. He plays more to achieve the desired result. Scientists say that there are changes in the internal wiring of the brain and it becomes conditioned to expect a win every time the gamer tries his luck. Once conditioning of the brain is complete, the individual can be said to be addicted to gaming. 
Brain releases neurotransmitters that make us feel good whenever we have achieved a goal, completed a task, or when our team has won a game. The most important of these neurotransmitters is dopamine that is responsible for making us feel euphoric in such situations. The same thing happens when an individual consumes drugs or takes alcohol and even when winning games in online casinos. The brain of a gamer releases dopamine when he wins and so he continues to play to feel high.  

For an addict, leaving the casino is a difficult thing to do. He wants to pull the lever one last time even after midnight or even when a guest has arrived at home. His brain releases less dopamine as his tolerance increases. Yet he doesn’t want to leave the casino as he has become habitual to gaming.  

Reasons behind gaming addiction are different in different individuals. This is why methods of treatment are also unique depending upon their unique circumstances. Counseling and taking part in the activities of a support group are two of the most popular ways to treat addiction of gamers. In some cases, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is used to introduce changes in the thought processes of the patient. Admitting the patient to a detox centre just like drug addicts is required in extreme cases. 

Responsible gaming is the need of the hour. While some governments introduce regulations and hope citizens abide by them, and several payment methods block their services for gambling activities, popular gaming-related sites like norskcasinohex always warns to play responsibly as well.

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  • Why Do People Become Gambling Addicted And How To Prevent It?

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