Children are curious by nature. You can observe any toddler around; they are always active, engaged, and involved in something every time. Even if they are not doing something, their little brains are processing something in their ways. They enjoy physical activities, watch cartoons, absorbing understandings out of them, etc. In middle age, they start to read books of Harry Potter, science, or history or any subject that intrigues them. Such activities promote and fuel their curiosity, and all such experiences wire their brain to enjoy the world around.
It all gets changed upside down when they get into middle school. Now, the instructions are to do things in the instructed way. Rote learning becomes their routine, and grades become their barometer of success or failure. In order to cope with the new routine and methods, all of the activities driven by their creativity and curiosity seem rudiment to them. So they gave up all those fascinating books and engaging activities to become “successful” in the schooling system.
Additionally, there are many instances and situations where children are not even able to start with curiosity. They are not given equal opportunities due to racism, gender, social status, etc. These factors and all other issues are not enabling the education system to grow our child, nourish their curiosity, make them better citizens, and above all, better humans. It calls to reform the current education system. The world has already identified it, and we can see many experts are already working in this discipline. There are many courses like Masters in Education Policy that train people to work ahead in this forum.
Let’s discuss a few ways through which we can bring positive change in the education system.
It all gets changed upside down when they get into middle school. Now, the instructions are to do things in the instructed way. Rote learning becomes their routine, and grades become their barometer of success or failure. In order to cope with the new routine and methods, all of the activities driven by their creativity and curiosity seem rudiment to them. So they gave up all those fascinating books and engaging activities to become “successful” in the schooling system.
Additionally, there are many instances and situations where children are not even able to start with curiosity. They are not given equal opportunities due to racism, gender, social status, etc. These factors and all other issues are not enabling the education system to grow our child, nourish their curiosity, make them better citizens, and above all, better humans. It calls to reform the current education system. The world has already identified it, and we can see many experts are already working in this discipline. There are many courses like Masters in Education Policy that train people to work ahead in this forum.
Let’s discuss a few ways through which we can bring positive change in the education system.
1. Engage with Project-Based and Real World Learning
Instead of rote learning and impractical curriculums, the focus should be on how to be engaged with the real world. Students can go beyond textbooks to study topics through real-world issues like the history of their town or over-population of Asian countries. Instead of problems studying from their course books, students can analyze the information from various sources like other books, articles, or the internet overall. This methodology is difficult to adopt and complex to ensure quality, but through practical methods and design, it is possible. Ultimately, it can bear better fruits as preschools in Singapore students can learn to grasp information from various sources, manage arguments from multiple forums, and expand their understanding of the subjects.
2. Integrated Studies
Multiple subjects can come under the discipline of one study. For example, students can learn about economics, history, and geography by studying World War 1. Integrated studies can help students to build connections among various subjects they study, instead of cramming knowledge without understanding any link and utility among them.
3. Comprehensive Assessment
Assessments or academics results systems need to be revisited by the education reforms experts. The prime objective of such assessments is to enable a child to get better and improve over time. Instead of providing necessary exam test scores, it must reflect the strength and weaknesses of the students, feedback for improvement, and gist of encouragement. Assessment structure must involve parents and individual students themselves to monitor their progress and focus on areas of development.
4. Coaching in Addition to Teaching
The role of teachers needs redefinition from teachers to coaches or facilitators who guide students in their learning process, giving customized attention as per student’s interests and confidence. In addition to that, coaching provides an excellent opportunity for teachers to teach and instill life skills into their students. Technology has enabled teachers to spend less time on lectures, and now they can focus on mentoring students so that students can work upon individual talents and skill sets.
5. Adopting Technology
Technology has disrupted almost every industry. It also provides convenience, flexibility, and ease to the teachers, students, and parents too. Relevant usage of technology can transform every aspect of the school from improving the quality of the curriculum to student assignments and engaging parents in the whole process. Through distance learning and online education, students can access the curriculum remotely, submit their assignments easily, etc. And teachers can also manage their workload effectively along with staying in touch with students and their parents through multiple software and apps. In this way, schools can save a lot of money in formalities, protocols, and administrative processes.
We all agree that the current education system needs reforms. The ideas discussed above might sound fiction or inapplicable, but these ideas and models are currently being studied and tested by the experts. Still, it will take much time, resources, and patience. But to get success in reform, we need to change our mindsets and change our perspectives and practices to bring the change slowly and gradually.