Here Is How You Can Support Charities And Funds Without Creating A Dent In Your Savings


Here Is How You Can Support Charities And Funds Without Creating A Dent In Your Savings

Safe Milli
| June 09, 2020 Last Updated 2021-03-11T14:41:33Z

The government is entrusted with all responsibilities of a citizen and fully advocates for the welfare of the people of the state. However, in certain challenging times, it is the charities that come out in support of the needy.

There's no need for introductions when discussing charities and non-profit organisations. They support people who are in need, empower underprivileged members of our society and help them lead better lives. However, they also have their limitations.

Many misconceptions around non-profits are rooted in the belief that they require large funds to function properly. But contrary to popular belief, people from all sections of the society can lend a helping hand without creating a dent in their savings.

Here are the ways you can do your bit without making a large monetary investment.

Become A Volunteer

Many charities can only survive and perform their activities through the effort of their volunteers. A charitable organisation has its own set of functionalities, for which they need staff and people of various skills.

The vast majority of the time, charitable organisations don't have enough overhead and must invest a huge amount of money to get the job done. For instance, non-profits that cater to survivors of natural disasters may need to pay extra money for medical equipment and aid. So if you are a doctor or nurse, volunteering your skills will be a great help.

If you possess some unique abilities like writing, photography, cooking, etc., then you can help the organisation save tons of money. As such, if you volunteer your time and expertise to your favourite non-profit, your contribution may be considered even more valuable than cash.

Moreover, volunteer work can bring you inner satisfaction since you are taking direct action in actualising the aim of the non-profit. This way, you stand to benefit in this situation, too.

Save A Life

Many people in the world are in need of a donor, but cannot afford the money. Life-saving medical procedures such as organ replacements or blood transfusions turn out to be quite a costly affair.

Donating blood and organs can make a huge difference in saving someone's life. Charitable organisations collaborate with healthcare institutes, hospitals, and nursing homes to provide free treatment to the poor. You can register to donate your organs after your death.

Donate Your Stuff

You can make charitable contributions in the form of your old furniture, electrical gadgets, clothes, books, and toys. Many charities and homeless shelters accept used goods to help poor people get back on their feet.

In the case where some organisations feed starving and homeless people, donating water and cans of food is always better than cash. Oftentimes, charities such as animal rescue centres need blankets, newspapers, and rags to function. Instead of throwing them as scrap, you may as well donate them.

Raise Funds

If you think you do not have money to donate or fund charities, organise a social drive. Fundraising events such as baking sales, auctioning household items, sporting events and car washes can spread awareness about the cause in your neighbourhood.

Best of all, you can get the word out by posting about these events on social media, thus encouraging more people to support your local charity. All in all, if you have a network of people who care for society, then raising funds for charity will be very easy.

Shop To Support

Many charitable trusts are tied up with local business houses to sell their products. In some cases, many organisations share some percentage of their profit to help those charities.

You can buy products made by charitable organisations or those whose share of the profit goes to charities. If a charity is selling merchandise, buying those items will also help in spreading awareness about the organisation and its cause as a whole.

Donate Credit Card Rewards 

If you have and use credit cards often, you may have noticed that many cards donate some percentage of your cashback points or credit points directly to help the charities. Therefore, you can help charities merely by contributing your credit points and extra cash.

When you get bonus points for creditworthiness, it's like getting extra cash. So while you are giving money to the non-profit, it's not your own. If your idea of donating to a worthwhile cause does not involve giving money, then you can use the reward points to buy the stuff you wish to contribute.

To donate your shopping points, go through your bank's online portal or check with your credit card provider for further information. You may also apply for credit card specially made towards helping charities.

Ask Gifts In The Form Of Donations

Instead of letting your friends or family plan a big birthday party for you or buy you expensive gifts, ask them to contribute those expenses to charities. Before asking for any major contributions, it's best to always do your research and pick an organisation that will put your relatives' money to good use.

You can even cooperate with them and forgo the idea of a party altogether. If they can afford to donate their time, your friends and family can celebrate your big day by volunteering for a charity of your choice.


Giving back to society and helping charities is very important. Not only does charity bring a sense of contentment, but it is also your social and moral responsibility as a member of society to help those in need. However, you do not have to be extra rich to lend a helping hand.

You can maximise the impact of your contributions by donating your time, things, and even your shopping bonus points. Donating through your credit card also helps to better your credit report co uk. You can claim a tax deduction on the amount of money you have given.

In other words, a donation does not always have to be in the form of money. If you have the right intentions, you can make the world a better place without creating a dent in your savings at all.
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  • Here Is How You Can Support Charities And Funds Without Creating A Dent In Your Savings

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