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Safe Milli
| May 12, 2020 Last Updated 2020-05-14T09:27:15Z
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The main goal of choosing any profession would be to make enormous profits out of it. Most people try and cloud this detail using specifications and factors that might serve as your motivation, but it is not why you join a job. People offer all services, but for one thing, that is money. It is the most significant part of this complex equation and makes it easier for people to decide from their options.

With the purpose in mind, the only question that needs answering is which profession should you pick and how to differentiate it. There are hundreds of career choices that you can choose from, but it can be daunting to pick a career for a lifetime. Also, not everyone is sufficiently knowledgeable when they are trying to find out which field suits them best. It means that their decisions could be on a whim, and not carefully planned. Where this might be one of the options, it is not the best course of action while making life-defining decisions.

Doing a little homework on professions can help you better understand their nature of work and outline the pay grades that employers might offer you. As a result of it, you can make more calculated decisions and ensure that you don't stumble upon a regrettable career choice. It enables and motivates you for the job while securing the best pay grade against your services. That should give a great start to your career and make sure that you don't end up making lesser than what you are worth.

If your thought process aligns with the idea that you need to know the pay scale of jobs before you make up your mind, it is a wise call. It means that you are a person concerned with numbers and are willing to work towards bright prospects. Here are the top 10 highly paid career opportunities for college graduates that should help you achieve this aim.

   1. Surgeons

Medicine is the fastest growing industry, and it is only right for professions related to it to rank the highest. Most prominent and specialized surgeons secure an income of over $200,000 annually. The highest-paid jobs are for oral care, and you can expect the salaries of it to cross $350,000. You need a doctorate-level education to set foot in this field before you start practicing on patients.

   2. Psychiatrist

Mental health is a concern at par with the physical health of any patient. That makes the profession of a psychiatrist as valuable as that of a regular doctor. Similarly, the level of education for this profession is also doctorate like for surgeons. And you can hope to enjoy an annual pay amounting to about $200,000.

   3. IT Managers

As the field of medicine, technology's growth is also unprecedented, and you can find a job that pays handsomely in this profession. An IT manager is often the highest position in companies and requires them to supervise technicians and analysts. A master of professional studies program can help you get there, as the education level requires a Master's degree. Once in, you can enjoy an annual income of over $100,000.

   4. Petroleum Engineers

The work of engineers inevitably fails to bag the top positions for the highest-paid careers, especially petroleum engineers. Although they need to study for this job and work under harsh conditions extensively, however, the pay makes it worth the effort. You need to get a Master's degree to function on this level, but once there, you can enjoy a pay worth of $100,000.

   5. Nurse Practitioners

Nurse practitioners with a Master's degree also enjoy a handsome pay, and you can find them filling the shoes of an MD at hospitals. It is because they are equally capable of fulfilling the duties of a doctor. An MSN nurse can get a salary of $90,000 per year.

   6. Actuaries

Actuaries deal with a more specialized area of accounting and risk management for companies and government organizations. You require a Master's degree to become an actuary, and then you can work your way up from there. It is a highly coveted profession that allows individuals to make an annual income of over $80,000.

   7. Lawyers

The profession of lawyers is critical for all private and corporate setups. People might feel there are too many lawyers, but they might be forgetting just how necessary their role is. You need to secure a Doctorate level education to practice law and can expect to make a little over $80,000 a year.

   8. Operations Research Analyst

Many businesses involve analysis and solutions to function smoothly. That is the job of someone who can easily manipulate numbers. That person bears the title of an Operations Research Analyst and plays a critical for the company. You need a Master's level education for this and can make over $75,000 a year while serving in this capacity.

   9. Construction Manager

The construction industry is also booming in the market at this stage. The job of a Construction Manager is highly crucial at this point, and you can expect to make an annual income of about $75,000 while working. You can start this job with either a Bachelor's or Master's degree.

   10. Psychologist

The job of Psychologists is like that of psychiatrists, only they work while being closely related to clients as a therapist, or serving in another capacity. You need a Doctor of Psychology degree to work in this area and might get to enjoy a salary of almost $75,000.


These are the top 10 highly paid career opportunities that turn your fortune around the sooner you start cashing in on them. If none of these suit you, then you don't have to worry. You can still expect to find a suitable profession from the many available options. Just be sure to look into job descriptions and pay scales before joining a field, if that is your foremost goal.
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