A traction device for the neck is an excellent alternative method to help treat neck and back pain, as well as any injuries you may be suffering in these areas of the body as well. Devices like this are developed to pull your head away from your spine and your neck, which eliminates things like compression and enables expansion. Ultimately, this is designed to take the pressure off your neck and spine. This is considered a non-invasive, alternative method for treating neck and back pain, and it is popular among people who would rather not resort to options like invasive surgery. A device like this can be used alongside physical therapy, and you can do it at home by yourself if you would like.
When you use a traction device like this, you can lightly stretch your neck, which is going to help reduce any pressure that’s on your spine and causing discomfort. You’ll also be able to separate each of your vertebrae from one another, which is going to be effective at taking away any pressure and discomfort.
Benefitting from a Spinal Traction Device
You may have already guessed that this type of device is effective at being able to treat a whole host of issues related to your back and neck. It can help relax any stiff muscles in this part of the body, which is going to help alleviate pain and stiffness, while also increasing the ability to move your back and neck normally. If you suffer from other back issues like a bulging disc or even a herniated disc, alternative treatment methods like this are helpful. Spinal traction devices are also effective at reducing pain and pressure resulting from joints, sprains, and spasms, and it can even help with issues like a pinched nerve.
When you apply a traction device, you are using force and tension to separate the muscles and spine that keep your vertebrae close. This is going to take away things like pressure and pain because when you create space like this, you can allow your muscles to calm down, and get rid of any tension that is occurring. If the muscles and joints in your neck are stiff as well, this device can bring relief to this area as well.
If you apply this type of therapy to your back and neck issues on a regular basis, this could result in seeing generalized improvement when it comes to mobility and motion. It will also help keep your spine nice and aligned as well. This will make a big difference to your day to day activities, as you will be able to do them without being in pain or feeling any pressure.
Lastly, you can also try a spinal traction harness, which goes over a doorframe in your home. This uses weights and pulleys to bring your head up and away from your spine, allowing for pain and pressure to be reduced.
If you apply this type of therapy to your back and neck issues on a regular basis, this could result in seeing generalized improvement when it comes to mobility and motion. It will also help keep your spine nice and aligned as well. This will make a big difference to your day to day activities, as you will be able to do them without being in pain or feeling any pressure.
How to Use a Spinal Traction Device
There are a few different ways that you can use a traction device or this type of therapy in general. Firstly, your physical therapist can apply this method manually by pulling your head away from your spine with their hands. Alternatively, you can purchase your own traction device that you can use in the comfort of your home. Make sure that you consult with your physical therapist beforehand about correct usage.Lastly, you can also try a spinal traction harness, which goes over a doorframe in your home. This uses weights and pulleys to bring your head up and away from your spine, allowing for pain and pressure to be reduced.