We are surrounded by technologies all around us. Scientists have predicted that Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial intelligence (AI) will create over 13.6 million new jobs that seemed impossible just a few years ago.
Earlier it was only a fragment of imagination that robots or machines could complete the repetitive tasks that do not need human monitoring. However, at that moment, this progress in technology felt a million years away. Then, cars were invented that could drive on their own. As it turns out, machines are getting smarter and technology is advancing faster than anyone could predict. This is all due to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies.
In this blog, you will get a gist of how Machine Learning can revolutionize the education system. Before that, let’s get an overview of Machine Learning.
Machine Learning is a subset of AI. The Artificial Intelligence technology uses Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts for its development. It aims to simulate human intelligence in systems using these technologies along with Natural Language Processing (NLP). While Machine Learning helps machines get smarter, AI gives them the ability to learn and act like human beings in specific situations.
ML and AI are being implemented in almost every industry today. These technologies have made an impactful change in gaming, automobile, cyborg, healthcare, banking, and many such business sectors. It has also made a huge change in the development of the education system.
To learn in detail about ML, sign up for the Machine Learning Online Course.
Now, you will read about the effect of ML in the education system.
Most ML applications, which are used for education, work with Deep Learning of data, AI, and neural networks that mainly focus on complex algorithms. Further, they work with significant ML applications that allow machines to do redundant and intuitive tasks with more accuracy and efficiency than humans. Here are ten ways with which ML can help in the improvement of the education system in the coming future.
ML in personalized learning can also help in offering an individualized educational experience to every student based on their strengths and weaknesses. In this educational model, students have the option to learn on their own, study at their own pace, and make important decisions regarding what they interest them and how they can learn those particular sets of subjects.
With the help of ML, teachers do not have to maintain student logs or perform any such redundant routine tasks. They do not have to spend time delivering lecture concepts and setting specific goals for every student. This iterative tasks can now be done with the help of machines. This feature allows them to keep track of how the concepts are being understood by the students. Besides, they will also be able to check which of their students require additional assistance to help them perform better.
With this grading system, the students will also be graded more fairly and accurately than humans. Although the machines may require human assistance every now and then, the result will be more reliable and valid.
Today, most students turn to external assistance to complete their papers and courses more efficiently. ML and AI can help teachers compare their academic papers with a database consisting of already published research articles. They can also use Artificial Intelligence to compare the earlier work and writing patterns of students with their current paper to evaluate and confirm if the recent one was actually written by them.
For example, Turnitin invented a Revision Assistant that reviews the essays of a student and identifies plagiarism. Students are then graded based on their results. Also, they get to check the parts that require editing to make their text better and more appealing.
By getting information about the students, the ML technology allows you to identify the weaknesses and gaps of the students and offers suggestions like extra practice tests for improvement. This technology offers feedback based on the data analyzed along with the recent work of the students. Once the systems learn to analyze the students’ progress over time and their understanding of the concepts taught, they gain the ability to assess it.
Earlier it was only a fragment of imagination that robots or machines could complete the repetitive tasks that do not need human monitoring. However, at that moment, this progress in technology felt a million years away. Then, cars were invented that could drive on their own. As it turns out, machines are getting smarter and technology is advancing faster than anyone could predict. This is all due to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies.
In this blog, you will get a gist of how Machine Learning can revolutionize the education system. Before that, let’s get an overview of Machine Learning.
What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning offers machines the ability to learn and make necessary improvements in performance with the help of past data and experience without the need for supervision. With an increase in the amount of data received by the systems, the algorithms improve and make the machines smarter. ML uses advanced technological concepts like Deep Learning to help systems learn.Machine Learning is a subset of AI. The Artificial Intelligence technology uses Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts for its development. It aims to simulate human intelligence in systems using these technologies along with Natural Language Processing (NLP). While Machine Learning helps machines get smarter, AI gives them the ability to learn and act like human beings in specific situations.
ML and AI are being implemented in almost every industry today. These technologies have made an impactful change in gaming, automobile, cyborg, healthcare, banking, and many such business sectors. It has also made a huge change in the development of the education system.
To learn in detail about ML, sign up for the Machine Learning Online Course.
Now, you will read about the effect of ML in the education system.
How Machine Learning Brings Dynamic Changes in Education?
The education system was once completely based on traditional classroom structures with students filling in the rows and using the same set of textbooks while the teacher gives the lecture. However, classrooms today are not only evolving and advancing in terms of digital resources but also, investing time and money in Machine Learning.Most ML applications, which are used for education, work with Deep Learning of data, AI, and neural networks that mainly focus on complex algorithms. Further, they work with significant ML applications that allow machines to do redundant and intuitive tasks with more accuracy and efficiency than humans. Here are ten ways with which ML can help in the improvement of the education system in the coming future.
Assist the Teachers
Data mining is the foundation of Machine Learning and its performance. Earlier, teachers were dependent on detailed grade books of students. However, with the help of ML, all the data regarding the students are stored in one repository, inside a single database. The teachers can easily search and access the information of all their students in a single place. In addition, they can also use ML to study the behavior of all their students individually and identify where students are generally struggling. This allows them to make improvements and adjustments in their lectures and learning materials to help the students learn better.Personalized Learning Experience
Customized learning is one of the most useful contributions of ML in education. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence provide more time to teachers for monitoring how the students are implementing various concepts taught to them. This allows them to keep a track of specific learning methods and see how well they work on students in order to tailor the teaching curriculum and make changes to fix any issues.ML in personalized learning can also help in offering an individualized educational experience to every student based on their strengths and weaknesses. In this educational model, students have the option to learn on their own, study at their own pace, and make important decisions regarding what they interest them and how they can learn those particular sets of subjects.
With the help of ML, teachers do not have to maintain student logs or perform any such redundant routine tasks. They do not have to spend time delivering lecture concepts and setting specific goals for every student. This iterative tasks can now be done with the help of machines. This feature allows them to keep track of how the concepts are being understood by the students. Besides, they will also be able to check which of their students require additional assistance to help them perform better.
Unbiased and Machine Assisted Grading System
Machine Learning combined with Artificial Intelligence helps in reducing grading and scoring bias. With this, the prejudice or judgment of teachers will not have any effect on the scores of the students. It will rather be based exclusively on the performance of the students. Further, these systems will help teachers in checking the projects and work of their students with negligible human intervention. Objective style exams and assignment answers are almost completely automated with Grammarly and other such ML tools.With this grading system, the students will also be graded more fairly and accurately than humans. Although the machines may require human assistance every now and then, the result will be more reliable and valid.
Today, most students turn to external assistance to complete their papers and courses more efficiently. ML and AI can help teachers compare their academic papers with a database consisting of already published research articles. They can also use Artificial Intelligence to compare the earlier work and writing patterns of students with their current paper to evaluate and confirm if the recent one was actually written by them.
For example, Turnitin invented a Revision Assistant that reviews the essays of a student and identifies plagiarism. Students are then graded based on their results. Also, they get to check the parts that require editing to make their text better and more appealing.
Evaluation and Prediction of Student Performance
ML and AI help to process a large amount of information gathered on students in order to evaluate their performance and interpret their future results. There are a few learning management systems that have the capability of predicting the possible grade of students based on their past performance along with the class average for that particular task or assignment. With the advancement in these technologies, these machine tracking programs will have the ability to collect enough data to interpret the assignments in which the students may have trouble. These systems will connect those students with external resources to help them perform better.By getting information about the students, the ML technology allows you to identify the weaknesses and gaps of the students and offers suggestions like extra practice tests for improvement. This technology offers feedback based on the data analyzed along with the recent work of the students. Once the systems learn to analyze the students’ progress over time and their understanding of the concepts taught, they gain the ability to assess it.
Prediction of the Future Career Path of Student
Earlier, paper-based or online aptitude tests were developed to understand the students and recommend career paths for them. Today, however, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies allow machines to interpret the educational future of the students and also helps them visualize their career perspectives. Platforms built on these technologies collect data of the students from their tests, essays, teachers’ recommendations, and college applications to determine their career options.
The systems analyze the strong and weak points of the students to identify the fields they are good or bad at. With this analysis, these systems determine the possible career path of the students and help them move in that direction. This customized career recommendation system takes into account the overall information of the students and their goals and makes predictions based on the same.
These ML systems analyze what works for the teachers and students based on which they suggest the best educational methods for the students and effectively offer teachers advice regarding how they can manage those learning processes. This system benefits both students and teachers by making noticeable progress without much struggle. Besides, with this advancement, the education system will show growth and improved efficiency.
The machines learn to analyze and asses the progress of students over time. This helps teachers make necessary adjustments in their curriculum to meet the needs of their students. Simultaneously, students get an idea of the parts in which the lag behind and need to improve. Also, they get an overview of the patterns they can follow for better outcomes. Besides, it also shows the understanding level of the students on the various modules taught to them.
These ML systems work well in scheduling and organizing extra sessions for students that need help. Further, this ML educational model also develops a classroom environment in which students are offered personalized assistance via software provided suggestions.
AI and ML technologies have the ability to accelerate progress in educational establishments. They allow teachers to save time and energy on their day-to-day redundant tasks. Teachers can utilize this time to work directly with students and help them learn better.
Most educators fear and worry that ML will completely replace them in the future. However, for as long as the human species exist, the need for teachers will not cease. ML will equip colleges and schools to ease their work in preparing students for developing skills and meeting the required demands of the current job market.
Everyone knows that the class size is growing every year which makes it extremely difficult for teachers to give enough attention to all the students equally, however, ML does this job. Once schools start to implement ML in their curriculum, the education system will upgrade to new levels at a speed higher than ever before.
Improved Learning Process Organization
By identifying the weak points of the students, ML can help in organizing the course content in such a way that it is more effective and beneficial for the students. Scientists have observed that AI and ML systems can organize the learning process better as compared to the experienced and qualified teaching staff. These systems are more advanced at managing and organizing the curriculum for the students. In addition, they also understand which concepts can be grasped better by the students using certain methods and techniques.These ML systems analyze what works for the teachers and students based on which they suggest the best educational methods for the students and effectively offer teachers advice regarding how they can manage those learning processes. This system benefits both students and teachers by making noticeable progress without much struggle. Besides, with this advancement, the education system will show growth and improved efficiency.
Feedback on the Performance of Teachers and Students
Machines not only grade the performance of the students but they also provide feedback as per the data analyzed. Once the finish grading and scoring the performance of the students, they offer guidance and feedback on the work submitted by them.The machines learn to analyze and asses the progress of students over time. This helps teachers make necessary adjustments in their curriculum to meet the needs of their students. Simultaneously, students get an idea of the parts in which the lag behind and need to improve. Also, they get an overview of the patterns they can follow for better outcomes. Besides, it also shows the understanding level of the students on the various modules taught to them.
Match Students with Teachers
Another thing Machine Learning can do to improve the educational system is that it can identify the students who require additional assistance and check for teachers who are available to help. They offer customized schedules to the students with the available tutors.These ML systems work well in scheduling and organizing extra sessions for students that need help. Further, this ML educational model also develops a classroom environment in which students are offered personalized assistance via software provided suggestions.
Retention and Reduction in Drop-out Rate
With ML, you can take necessary actions in case of persistent knowledge gaps that have been identified as per the performance of the students. This reduces the rate of drop-outs and simultaneously improves the levels of retention. Learning analytics and other such ML applications help in improving these retention rates and prevent students from dropping out of school or college.Conduct Educational Experiments
ML will make it challenging and fun to learn with the help of other advanced technologies. Most of the work can be completed using these machines as they provide an in-depth analysis of the data and teaching methods that work best for the classrooms. Teachers will only have to make some changes based on the analysis performed by these machines.AI and ML technologies have the ability to accelerate progress in educational establishments. They allow teachers to save time and energy on their day-to-day redundant tasks. Teachers can utilize this time to work directly with students and help them learn better.
Most educators fear and worry that ML will completely replace them in the future. However, for as long as the human species exist, the need for teachers will not cease. ML will equip colleges and schools to ease their work in preparing students for developing skills and meeting the required demands of the current job market.
Everyone knows that the class size is growing every year which makes it extremely difficult for teachers to give enough attention to all the students equally, however, ML does this job. Once schools start to implement ML in their curriculum, the education system will upgrade to new levels at a speed higher than ever before.