As we know how big of a deal it is to pass the PSM 1. Learners put in a lot of time and efforts to prepare for this exam. Many even tend to fail this exam on their 1st attempt and it is highly likely that they would also fail this exam in their 2nd attempt as well. So we can say that a learner really has to work hard in order to pass the PSM 1 certification and practice well before appearing for exam using PSM Certification Dumps and Practice Tests. Though many people talk about ways to pass the PSM 1 certification but nobody pays attention to what should be done next when a person finally passes the PSM 1 certification.So today we are going to talk about more than just getting PSM 1 certified. We are going to discuss what should be done next after getting a PSM 1 certification.
The next step to be taken after getting PSM 1 certified:
Becoming PSM 1 certified means that a person/learner has gained a fundamental level of scrum framework. Although he/she gets a certificate and is entitled to use a logo that shows his achievement but is PSM 1 certification alone enough? I mean there should be a next step in this field if a person really wants to take his career to an advanced level right? So here we’ll discuss that next step.
A professional scrum master is made up of 3 levels.
ü PSM I, the fundamental level.
ü PSM II, the advanced level
ü PSM III, the distinguished level
PSM I and PSM II certification are very much alike. But stats have shown that there are almost 160,000 PSM I holders and this number only tends to grow in the near future. But with that there are only 1% of the people out there who manage to get PSM II certified. This clearly shows that if a person manages to get PSM II certification as well, he/she’ll get a leverage from all the others. Getting PSM II certification can outshine you very quickly. So we can say that those who think that getting PSM I certification is enough to stand tall among other people, they are totally wrong. PSM I certification alone can never help you advance your career. So after becoming PSM I certified, you need to start preparing for the PSM II certification.
Another supporting argument about taking PSM II certification is that, Scrum Master Position in most of the organizations is normally considered to be a senior one who should have advanced level of understanding about Scrum Framework. As PSM 1 exams focuses on beginner level understanding of Scrum, so it’s highly likely that in a scrum interview, the person with beginner level understanding will not be able to answer all scenario based questions. In scrum interviews normally, scenario-based questions are asked. Organizations expect a person should have detailed understanding to handle issues while implementing scrum values in an organization.
Is it ok to take the PSM II exam right after PSM I?
Well one shouldn’t take things this fast because it’ll only cause problems for you. After passing the PSM I certification, a learner should get some experience now before taking the PSM II certification. Working in real world can really give you a clue about scrum principles and processes and can help you pass the PSM II exam more easily. Hands on experience with day to day issues will definitely help scrum masters to sharpen their skills. It’s highly recommended to associate yourself with some experience scrum master in your organization or join some online group where different scrum people are sharing their knowledge to handle different scenarios.So we’d suggest one should get some work experience first and then prepare for the PSM II exam.
We can conclude our discussion by saying that those who think becoming PSM I certified is enough to take their career to an advanced level, then they should know that they are totally wrong and that they should next focus on getting PSM II certification after getting some work experience. So clear your mind and then decide what you need to do to make a great future for yourself.