Toro | A Reliable Name In The Industry Of Golf Course Equipment
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Toro | A Reliable Name In The Industry Of Golf Course Equipment

Charity Prado
| January 22, 2020 Last Updated 2020-01-23T05:40:43Z
The task of golf course maintenance involves hard work and years of experience because it is not easy to take care of around 30 hectares of a landmass. Turf occupies more than half of the area in a golf course. Therefore, its equipment must be in perfect working condition. In the market, you will find numerous brand names of golf course equipment manufacturers but all of them are not reliable. Choosing inferior quality equipment will result in ruining the entire turf. If you are looking for a reliable name in this industry, choose the Toro brand. This company is dedicated only for manufacturing golf course maintenance equipment. Scroll down to gain some information about the Toro brand.

Toro Brand For Golf Course Maintenance 

For attaining perfection in manufacturing cutting edge equipment of golf course maintenance, experience is the first parameter. Toro is manufacturing and improving its products for more than 100 years. Currently, this brand name is leading all over the world because of its innovative ideas to upgrade continuously. Toro is evolving its equipment by collaborating all aspects together such as productivity, efficiency and performance. From a typical mower to golf carts, you can expect everything from this brand. Below is a list of some of the equipment you need to know.


The toro golf course equipment company is presenting a complete range of mowers for all areas. You can buy riding and manual pulling mowers in the following categories:-
  1. Fairway mowers 
  2. Greens mowers 
  3. Tees mowers 
  4. Rough mowers 
  5. Trim & surround mowers

Other Maintenance Equipment  

  1. Aerators 
  2. Dethatchers 
  3. Bunker rakes 
  4. Sprayers
  5. Sprinklers
  6. Top dressers
  7. Utility vehicles

Main Reasons To Prefer A Reliable Brand Like Toro

Turf safety

Maintaining the greenery of turf is a challenging task because you have work on more than 30 hectares of the landmass. The height of turf varies in the different sections of a golf course. For instance, the tees of golf course require narrow trimming followed by fairway, greens and rough in the ascending order. If the reels or rotary blades of your mowers are not perfectly designed, they will surely harm the roots of the turf. Similarly, the attachments like coring tines, dethatchers and bunker rakes must be designed with the precision of accomplishing different tasks without damaging turf. Inferior-grade machinery cannot maintain precision level and cause severe damages.

Fast Work Execution 

Toro is a brand known for working efficiently while maintaining a performance level. Their vehicles are equipped with powerful engines to work faster than cheap brands. It is not like a garden or a public park where you have a whole day to finish the job. There must be powerful machinery capable of working faster and effectively.

Longer life 

Buying golf course equipment is a huge investment because you have to arrange a complete fleet for mowing, aeration, dethatching, irrigation and cleaning. A brand must commit for a long life of equipment with the least possible maintenance cost. Even if you look for used turf machinery for sale.Toro brand has a great resale value. Its used equipment also remains in huge demand because of the quality standard.

Whenever you visit a golf course maintenance equipment store compare the technical features of all brands before buying. If it is a website of used equipment, confirm the manufacturing year of a model and its total working hours. It is advisable to buy new mowers because they are the most frequent equipment we need to maintain the turf on a regular basis. Occasional equipment with low workloads such as dethatchers and bunker rakes are safe to purchase from the pre-owned section.
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  • Toro | A Reliable Name In The Industry Of Golf Course Equipment

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