Tips On How To Prepare For An Interstate Move


Tips On How To Prepare For An Interstate Move

Harris Melvin
| January 29, 2020 Last Updated 2020-01-30T07:15:26Z

The idea of packing up all your belongings and moving to a new location is fun and exciting. At the same time, however, managing all of the details of a move can be a little bit stressful. This is particularly true when moving out of state. To make the process easier, check out these tips on how to prepare for an interstate move:

1. Get organized

Interstate moving involves a lot more than merely putting your belongings in boxes and transporting them to your new place. You also have to deal with issues like managing your utilities and switching your mail delivery. If you have kids, you will need to manage other tasks, like getting them enrolled in a new school system, as well. Keeping track of everything can be overwhelming unless you are extremely organized.

Make the process easier by purchasing a notebook or binder explicitly dedicated to your move. Look for one that has pockets on the cover so that you can keep important documents with the notebook. That way, everything that you need is all in one place. Write down any details about your move in this notebook so that you know exactly where to find them.

2. Figure out where you are going to live

Moving across town is hard enough. Interstate moving takes things to a whole new level – particularly if you aren't very familiar with the city or town where you are moving. Start by learning as much as you can about the area. Which neighborhoods are the safest? Where are the best schools located? Which places are close to the amenities that you enjoy?

Ideally, you should visit the area multiple times to familiarize yourself with where things are located. While you are there, meet with a real estate agent or property management company. They can point you in the direction of the best neighborhoods, helping you find a place to live that is safe, comfortable, and affordable.

3. Calculate the cost of your move

Adding up all of your moving expenses can be an eye-opening experience. Moving is often a lot more expensive than people think. This is especially true with interstate moves. Try comparing your options. For instance, how much would it cost to load and drive a rented moving truck yourself versus hiring a company to do it for you? Are the savings enough to justify the extra work, or would you rather leave your move in the hands of the pros?

4. Pack your items

During the packing process, stay as organized as possible. Number each box and write down what it contains in your moving notebook. Label the outside of the box with the name of the room where it belongs. This will make it easier to unpack after you arrive at your new place. Pack the items that you use the least often first, waiting to pack items that you use every day until the last minute.

5. Keep your essentials with you

There are certain items that you will need to access right away after you arrive at your new place. Keep items like medication, your coffee maker, paper towels, and toilet paper handy so that you have everything that you need on the day that you move in.

6. Manage your utilities and change your mailing address

Contact your current utility and service providers to let them know when you will be moving out. Reach out to the utility companies in your new location, as well, to tell them when you need your service activated. File a Change of Address Form with the USPS, as well, so that you don't miss any of your mail. Following these tips will help you to prepare for an interstate move.

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