Delicious Dessert Recipes Using Pan Di Stelle Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread


Delicious Dessert Recipes Using Pan Di Stelle Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread

| January 21, 2020 Last Updated 2020-01-21T12:02:58Z
Pan Di Stelle’s Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread, made with the richness of 100% Italian hazelnuts and tiny pieces of Pan di Stelle cookies and cocoa, is one of the delectable spreads that Italians have come up with. It is smooth, silky, and very alluring to have on a daily basis on toast or in a bowl of granola with yogurt and fruits for breakfast. But today, let’s go beyond the regular breakfast recipes and venture into learn a couple of delicious dessert recipes.

You can buy this pan di Stelle spread online.

Before learning the dessert recipes, here are few benefits of consuming hazelnut and cocoa spread: 
  1. Fiber And Heart: 2 tablespoons of Hazelnut and Cocoa spread contains a gram of fiber. Women especially need to consume about 25 grams of fiber every day and men require 38 grams - of which 4% could be consumed from consuming hazelnut and cocoa spread. Having fiber helps lower one’s levels of cholesterol - maintaining healthy cholesterol levels reduces the chances of developing any form of heart problems. 
  2. Iron & Calcium: Just like fiber, two tablespoons of Hazelnut and cocoa spread also contains 4% of calcium and iron required by the body per day. Calcium regulates one's blood pressure and keeps the bone health high. It considerably reduces the risk of stroke. 
Now onto the yummy dessert recipe made with Mulino Bianco pan di Stelle spread.

Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread Banana Crescent Ring

What can ever go wrong with the combination of pastry and hazelnut and cocoa spread? Not only does this make a quick dessert, but it also can be used interchangeably as a recipe for family breakfasts and dinners.


  • Three bananas (medium or large-sized) 
  • 18 ounce can of crescent roll dough 
  • ½ cup of pan di Stelle spread
  • ¼ cup of cinnamon sugar
  • Optional: Chocolate sauce and Ice Cream


  1. Firstly, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and place parchment paper on a large baking sheet. 
  2. On a clean kitchen surface, dust a little flour and unwrap the crescent dough into a large rectangle (the size of the baking sheet)
  3. Score through the width of the rectangle with a knife in intervals and then spread the pan di Stelle spread across a third of the dough. 
  4. Peel all the bananas and chop it up into three pieces each and then on top of that again add pan di Stelle spread. 
  5. Roll the dough up into one long roll and shape it into a circle. 
  6. Dust some cinnamon sugar and place onto a baking sheet. Bake it for 15 minutes. 
  7. Serve it hot, and if you prefer to scoop out two scoops of ice cream of your choice and drizzle some chocolate sauce on top.
Note: In case you cannot find cinnamon sugar at your local stores or online, here’s what you can do. Combine a fourth of a cup of White Sugar (powdered) with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Everybody usually has ground cinnamon in their pantry (if no, you can always find them at stores).

This is one of those easy recipes that work as a good mixture of sweet and savory, is filling and yet very interesting to make. You could go ahead and make these for a potluck meal at your office, an event at your kids’ homeroom party, your cell group gathering, a get together at your place or your friends’ or any other event that you might be going to one of these days in the near future. What’s even better is, this recipe is not even an unhealthy snack; in fact, it is so healthy that you won’t have to think twice before making this. The yummy chocolate and hazelnut goodness is sure to leave everyone who tastes it, want for more.

Try this recipe right away, maybe even make this your family recipe and pass it to your future generations, or even share it with your friends and family.
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  • Delicious Dessert Recipes Using Pan Di Stelle Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread

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