Want to
get your body in shape, increase strength and increase stamina, but don’t know
where to start training? We tried to collect only useful and verified
information about the gym specifically for beginners.
Many people find it hard to get to the perfect place for taking care of
their bodies. But using the warehouse Bali can be a
life-changing experience for everyone. As it’s the ultimate place to be for any
gym beginner.
How is the gym
A fitness
center or training room is a specially organized space in which everything is
subject to a single goal: to provide visitors with a comfortable and safe
environment for sports.
But not
all operational centers are equally useful. There are halls, limited in
area, located in the basement, poorly ventilated or insufficiently comfortable
rooms. The mood, the desire to engage in and, ultimately, the result
depends on the choice of the hall.
The room
is conditionally divided into several functional zones:
Cardio zone - simulators are located here for the development and
strengthening of the cardiovascular system, increasing endurance and weight
Free weight zone - classes with barbells and dumbbells are held in it.
Power zone - here is a strength training on simulators.
In modern
halls there is a reception where there are friendly and pleasant girls who will
answer all your questions and orient on the spot, as well as a locker room, a
shower, a fitness bar with drinks and special meals to restore
strength. And of course, there is a staff of personal trainers who are
ready to help at the first call.
Where to start training in the gym
should not immediately begin with intensive training on power or cardio
simulators. Firstly, you do not know the technique. Secondly, without
training and warming up, there is a high risk of injury.
Where to start training in the gym
You should not immediately begin with
intensive training on power or cardio simulators. Firstly, you do not know
the technique. Secondly, without training and warming up, there is a high
risk of injury.
What to bring
Come to the gym
prepared - this will eliminate the inconvenience and facilitate the training
If you do not have a
spacious sports bag, buy it. The more experienced the athlete, the more
impressive his equipment.
The best clothes for
neophytes are shorts and a T-shirt, and shoes are sneakers or
sneakers. Some athletes recommend wearing special gloves - they will
protect the palms from slipping and blisters when lifting weights.
Be sure to grab a
towel to wipe sweat from your body and face. If you are going to take a
shower after training, take slippers. Many people help to
maintain the mood and maintain the rhythm of the music. In this case, you
will need a player.
Useful Nuances
If you are serious about the outcome, start
keeping a training diary from the first workout. The numbers never lie:
with them, you will know for sure whether there is progress, whether it is worth
increasing the load, how many approaches you do and how much time you devote to
Full recovery after exercise is a
science. You will need high-energy energy foods, preferably with a minimal
amount of fat. Chocolate milkshake or special bars for athletes are
During classes, try to disconnect from
everyday and professional problems and focus completely on physical
sensations. Believe me, exercises by themselves perfectly relieve tension
and form the right emotional tone.
It is better to turn off the telephone
completely during the training (unless, of course, you are waiting for an
important call). And if you are talking with someone, do it outside the
audience: nothing is more confusing as much as outside talk.
And the last tip: do not use perfume or deodorant with a pungent odor before exercising. Sweat plus perfume is
not a pleasant combination.