6 Link building strategies you cannot afford to miss in 2020


6 Link building strategies you cannot afford to miss in 2020

Zubair Hassan
| January 14, 2020 Last Updated 2020-01-23T11:35:50Z

Traditional marketing is not dead yet, and so does link building.

The only similarity between the two is the quality of the material. Either you create quality content for the marketing campaign, or you get lost in the crowd. In a similar way, you need to create your links on high-building websites.

The ever-evolving updates in Google Algorithm have led SEO in doom & gloom and created a lot of panic in the digital marketing fraternity.

If you put in the right effort and smart approach your links will not get deleted.

And just like in most areas of your life, when something difficult appears, you give your full effort to take control of the situation.

Here are some smart strategies which you can use to put your link at the right place and bring-in good return to you:

1)  Get Interviewed:

I know, I know, you’ll be thinking, who will interview you?

Well, let me reveal a secret. There are many blogs that look for industry experts to share their tips with the people.

There are blogs who are desperate to feature an industry expert in their blog. Search on Google and you’ll find tons of blogs who have listed interviews. Pitch them and show them that you’ll be honored to do a guest interview for their blog.

You might be thinking, what if you get rejected?

Why not think, what if you get selected?

2)  Be a news source:

What if you start breaking industry news?

Will people link your website to their business?

I bet they will.

There is so much news already roaming around the internet, but if you want to differentiate yourself from others, you can pick a niche and start leading from there.

Start with the news story, add your perspective to the story and add a link to a popular source.

Linking to a source will make the story authentic. It will bring in some trustworthiness in the article and people will start coming back to your blog for more news.

And you will get a chance to connect with the industry experts and journalists which will help them to come back to your website for a fresh and authentic news story.

3)  Make a useful tool:

If you want to get traffic and recognition on your website create a tool that can be used by the website owners or managers.

For instance, recently, I came across this task management tool. When I was facing an issue with employee project management I came across this tool. The tool not only boosted my productivity, but it also gave me something to talk about with my friends.

Now, it is not a necessity to create a brand-new tool, you can take an old tool and write a blog on, ‘best XX tools for Entrepreneurs’ When you do this, you’ll give the Entrepreneurs something useful. Something which can help their business grow and in return you will get a link back to your website.

4)  Do some research and publish:

The best way to get featured and noticed by high profile websites is to publish research on your website. When you do research, it gives brands something useful to share with their clients.

A great example is this post by Andy Crestodina. A guide on how to make a survey.

Surveys are a great way to collect data from the clients and make a trend out of it. And once you have that trend you can use the trend to give people what they want.

5)  Keep an eye on the competitors:

There is a difference between keeping an eye and copying your competitors.

Use a tool like Ahrefs to check the popularity of the top pages of your competitors. What are they doing differently? How many backlinks did they get? And how can you do the same to leverage your brand?

Look at their top pages and try to figure out why certain links have gained more traffic or backlinks than others.

Can you do something similar with other websites? If so, what are you waiting for?

Check the likability of various blog posts which will give you a clear idea of why certain topics are trending and how you can do the same?

Creating and maintaining an online reputation is hard. But if you learn how to create an online reputation this will give you an edge over your competitors.

Furthermore, the design of your website will play a vital role when it comes to building links. If the website design is user-friendly, brands will love to link with your website. A weak website design will drive users and brands away from your website.

6)  Start giving testimonials :

How does it feel to get your brand featured on random websites? If you visit a professional website design and development agency you’ll notice the amount of feedback they feature on the main page.

Despite the person, you appreciate the praise and praise the person in return.

The same thing goes for businesses. If you mention brands in your blogs who are worth trying, these brands will love it and will do anything to return you the favor.

Feel no shame in sharing your true views about the brand. Maybe, some of the brands will mind it, but the known brands will help you to reach more people by putting a good worth out for you.

The conclusion:

Link building is an art. You can either learn how to do it or you can learn to stay back and die. There is no one strategy that can work for you. You have to try out strategies mentioned in this blog and check for yourself which of the strategies are working for you.
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  • 6 Link building strategies you cannot afford to miss in 2020

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