skating is a good game and sport, which is great for off-season training for
games like skiing and hockey. When practicing inline skating, you need to stay
safe to avoid injuries. Most of the injuries during inline skating occur when a
skater loses balance and falls on a hard surface. Skaters with a protective
gear rarely are injured. The body parts that are likely to face exposure to
injuries are hands and arms, head and abrasion can occur in other body parts.
Here are things that you need to do so that you are safe at all times while
inline skating.
make sure that you have a helmet specially designed for inline skating or even
skateboarding. The helmet is supposed to be lower in the back. This is towards
the base of the skull so that your head is better protected in case of a
backward fall. Fit the helmet well and fasten chin straps snugly under the
chin so that the helmet doesn't move.
sure that you have comfortable, good inline skates with ankle support. To know if the support of
your boots is okay, you need to feel plastic of the boots. If you can squeeze
it, the material is not strong enough to buckle up them.
for the Elbow, knee, and wrist are essential for them to prevent scrapes and
cushion the bones in case of a fall. Light gloves will also help keep your
fingers safe. Finally, you will need to have a mouth guard to keep your teeth
and mouth safe in case of a fall or crash.
Find a flat concrete area for inline skating
is good to practice inline skating on flat grounds like Empty parking lots,
paths, or any flat concrete area. Also, make sure that skating is permitted so
that you are not in anyone's way. .You can opt to look for unused parking areas
or even check for big open spaces for businesses during weekends. You might
also find skate parks in some areas, but if you are a beginner, you can
practice elsewhere before moving to these parks.
Stay Alert while skating
also need to stay alert while skating outdoors. You need to avoid things like
earphones since you will not be in a position to know your surroundings. You
need to have few things while skating like a cellphone, identification, a
whistle that can help you draw attention when hurt, or when you feel unsafe.
is also good to skate during daylight hours for your own safety. If possible,
do not skate alone, you can tag your friend along. Use recreational trails and
avoid roads and sidewalks. Do not skate in traffic. When you are skating
outdoors, you can wear sunscreen and carry extra water on hot days. Avoid
skating when it is raining or snowing for surfaces will be slippery, and this
can increase the chances of getting hurt after falling or crashing. You should
also avoid being towed behind a car; bike or any vehicle for this can lead to
severe damage and injuries.
How to Prevent Injuries
some extent, injuries are inevitable in inline skating since falls are many. If
you are unfamiliar with this sport, you can consider taking lessons, and novice
skaters suffer 14 percent injuries. You will learn how to balance and stop as
well as speed control. If you are also new to the sport, stay in safe environs
avoiding traffic, hills, uneven surfaces, as well as obstacles. Wear your gear
at all times and skate to your skill level.
following, all these you will practice safe skating at all given times. There
will be few cases of injuries, be it musculoskeletal, fractures, or even
sprains that are associated with inline skating. The sport is suitable for all
from children to adults and can be very interesting.
Final Verdict
inline skating, you need to observe all the above to make sure that you are
safe and you avoid injuries. Be in good terms with everyone to make your
skating experience comfortable and smooth. Get permission if on private
property to do your skating. This will help you even from being banned in your
area of skating.