Gear to Make Room in a Tiny Kitchen
Wednesday March 19, 2025


Gear to Make Room in a Tiny Kitchen

Safe Milli
| December 27, 2019 Last Updated 2020-01-10T19:15:43Z
Increasing development in cities leads to an increase in urban population and ultimately reducing the space to live. Nowadays the average priced flats have very small or tiny kitchens of just about 90 square feet or even smaller than this range. This creates numerous problems in storing the items of the kitchen and hence they are spread in a lobby or a room which makes the look of a house like a street market. There are many tools like storing expendables, temporary racks and even the latest highly improved machines like Rotimatic that reduces the overall tools used in making roti, etc. These accessories also increase the overall space in the kitchen.

Description of New Kitchen Accessories

However, there is various kind of accessories available in the market for different needs, but one can only select based on the circumference of their kitchen. Few of these accessories are discussed below

1. Magnetic racks for Refrigerators

These are the new kind of racks that have the magnet on the backside and get easily attracted towards any metal body, so they are suitable for refrigerators as their outer body is metallic and sustain a small load easily. These racks further can have different extensions which may hold hangers containing towels, or just a small jar holding extension. Few benefits of using the magnetic rack for refrigerators are mentioned below -
  • They are very useful as they can withstand a good amount of load.
  • They help in managing a good number of items as we can place items accordingly in these racks.
  • They are easy to use and can be cleaned easily with normal clothes.
  • The backside of these racks is unharmful, or we can say that these are designed especially for a purpose that they don’t destroy the metallic paint of refrigerators.
Where to buy Magnetic Racks: Magnetic racks are easily available on popular websites like Amazon, Flipkart, and eBay, etc.

2. Magnetic Knife strips

This is the strip similar to double tape that we usually have in our stationery collection, with a difference of adhesive on one side and magnet on another. This strip gets easily ached to kitchen tiles, Rotimatic sides or any other media even side of refrigerators or common walls, etc. The other side of the strip is magnetic where we can hang up some tools like knives, scissors, peelers, and lemon crushers, etc. These kinds of metallic things can be easily managed by these strips. Some of the other advantages are mentioned below -
  • These are easy to install as they get attached to any media due to adhesive action.
  • They are easy to store as the strip is long and can be installed accordingly like tape and remaining can be kept for other use.
  • The holding capability of the tape is good and can sustain a good amount of load at least suitable for knives, scissors and few kinds of spoons according to the choice of the user using it.
  • These strips have a wooden exterior design like walnut, white oak or maple, etc, which adds on to the beauty of the kitchen along withholding things.
Where to Buy the metallic Strips: Strips are available on eBay, Amazon and many dedicated websites dealing with exclusively magnetic items.

3. Roti making machine

Learning from the rotimatic reviews we come to know that this roti making machine is highly beneficial to households of any kind be it a single person or a large joint family, it is beneficial for all. Roti making has many processes like a process of making suitable flour paste than rounding the bread in suitable shape and then giving the suitable heat to make it fit for eating. Doing all these activities requires different accessories which is difficult for a person with a small kitchen, but becomes easy if a person is using as ingle machine for roti making. Some other uses and benefits are listed below -
  • This machine is very handy and easy to use, with just action of electricity.
  • This machine is light in weight and also easy to clean.
  • The machine reduces the overall time and effort of an individual in making roti.
  • The machine reduces the space to be taken by other accessories performing similar functions.
Where to buy the machine: Machine is available on the Amazon, Flipkart and many third-party websites like indiamart, etc.

4. Cup Hooks

This is a most needed accessory in a small kitchen as this can solve various space-related issues by utilizing the vertical space usually available n the kitchens. Cup hooks can be used to hold various kinds of items like stirrers, holding mugs, towels and even small utensils. Various other benefits are listed below -
  • They are very spaceworthy as they use little vertical standing space.
  • They are easy to install as they require a small nail and hammer to install.
  • They can sustain a good amount of load but it depends upon the media they are installed and the kind of nail used to install the hook.
  • They are easily available and easy to store if bought in bulk.
Where to buy hook: There is no specific shop to buy the hook as they are available on every tool shop and can also be bought online through Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc.

5. Dual Performance storage containers

These are the kind of containers that can be used to store the eatables and also be used in microwave ovens. Other benefits are mentioned below -
  • They reduce the space as serve a dual purpose, so no separate containers required for ovens.
  • They are light in weight and built quality is also good as they have to sustain the large temperature of the oven.
  • Where we can buy dual containers: These containers are available online on Big Basket, Amazon, and Flipkart, etc.


Finally, we can conclude that there are many kinds of accessories available for a small kitchen which can help in maintaining the kitchen items in a well versed manner without any huge investment rather they add on to the beauty of a kitchen.
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  • Gear to Make Room in a Tiny Kitchen

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