Why To Dispose Sanitary Napkin Carefully After Its Use?
Wednesday March 26, 2025


Why To Dispose Sanitary Napkin Carefully After Its Use?

Charity Prado
| October 10, 2019 Last Updated 2019-10-11T05:50:20Z
It is quite natural for women of all ages of certain age, across the globe to experience periods from time to time. Previously, women used normal clothes to take care of their periods. But with time, the modern women have become more educated and understand the genuine need to take care of their health and hygiene. The introduction of sanitary napkin did provide them with great relief from the stress and tension, they otherwise faced.

Sanitary Waste Disposal

Over passage of time and the introduction of several companies offering affordable sanitary napkins to women all over the world, its disposal has rather become a major headache in growing, developed and developing countries. Since plastic is being used to create disposable sanitary napkins, they are not found to be bio-degradable and hence, cause environmental and health hazards. Having proper knowledge of the best sanitary napkin destroyer is essential for all women to ensure they dispose used sanitary napkins safely.

The truth is that periods can be inconvenient occasionally, but disposing the soiled napkins can prove to be much more inconvenient for majority of the women, irrespective of their age and geographical location. Women from both urban and rural areas do have this question in their mind, especially after having their periods every month. Even the government authorities have been struggling to come up with a better, effective and safe way to manage the increasing amount of used napkins and tampons that is generated every month.

Some women are found to wrap the used ones in paper or plastic and simply throw them into the domestic garbage, while few throw them in the water bodies and others flush them into the toilet without understanding the consequences. According to the industry experts, the average women are noticed to throw away approximately 150 kg of non-biodegradable absorbents annually.

What Happens To These Napkins Once Disposed In This Manner?

Categorizing them into plastic or biomedical waste is stated to be a major issue faced. Blood soaked cotton, condoms, diapers and soiled napkins are considered to be household wastes. They get disposed after segregating them into non-biodegradable and bio-degradable components. But items that have body fluids and blood in them including soiled plaster casts, dressings, cotton, bedding & lines are contaminated and treated as bio medical wastes. The experts claim that such wastes are to be incinerated, microwaved or autoclaved for destroying pathogens. The right type of sanitary napkin burner chosen can help in this regard and ensure disposal is safe for health and the environment as a whole.

Unfortunately, there is noticed lack of concern with regards to sanitary waste disposal everywhere, thus causing greater concerns for the environment. Since the wastes are not segregated properly in developing countries, not much documentation can be availed about the same.

The sanitary wastes thrown into the garbage are collected by garbage collects and manually segregated. Waste pickers tend to separate the soiled ones from the recyclable items using their hands, thereby getting exposed to micro-organisms like pathogens causing tetanus and hepatitis; HIV, staphylococcus, salmonella and E.Coli. Hence, safe disposal of such items is an absolute must.
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  • Why To Dispose Sanitary Napkin Carefully After Its Use?

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