A Guide to Adding PDF Files to Your WordPress Site
Saturday March 15, 2025


A Guide to Adding PDF Files to Your WordPress Site

Safe Milli
| October 30, 2019 Last Updated 2019-10-30T09:51:08Z
Wordpress posts

Having your own website can be exciting. However, for those with little website design experience, it can also be a challenge. You might have got your head around embedding videos, images, and audio. But what about when you need to embed a PDF file in a post or on a page. Several occasions might call for such an addition. For example:
  • If you’re a travel agent or representative and want to add a tour package itinerary to your website
  • If you need to share some information or designs with clients
  • When you're an author, and you'd like to give away a free copy of your latest novelette
  • To add information and images of products already in PDF format.
Adding PDF files to a page or post is usually not an option when it comes to your WordPress site. However, there is a way around the problem. If you want to know how to add PDF in WordPress site, keep reading.

Edit the Post or Page Where You Want to Upload the PDF File

This is the first and most crucial step. Via the post editor screen, click on the ‘Add Media' button.

Wordpress new post

When you do this, a media popup loader appears. You’re given the option of selecting files to upload. Click on the ‘select files’ button and choose the PDF file you want to add to your page.

Wordpress media

When the PDF File Has Uploaded

When the PDF file upload is complete, a thumbnail preview appears in the insert media popup. If you’ve uploaded media previously, there will be other visible thumbnails.

Wordpress inserts medias

When the PDF file was the last upload you made, the add media function will link to it by default. If this isn’t the case, you need to select the required PDF attachment. Once selected, all you need to do is click on the ‘Insert into post' button.
In your post editor, there is now the PDF download link, and the media uploader popup disappears.

If you have any further edits to the page, now is the time to make them. Otherwise, your PDF has been added, and you’ll be able to see it on your website.

Uploading a PDF file is the easiest option, but there is another route you can take.

How to Upload and Embed a PDF File in Your WordPress Website

There is a WordPress plugin you can use if you want to display a PDF file inside a post or page. It's called the Google Doc Embedder, and you first have to install and activate it.

Wordpress media PDF

Once it’s installed and activated, you then have to configure the settings of the plugin. Configuration is done by visiting the settings >>GDE settings page.
Wordpress media setting

There are several different changes you can make, for example, the language used, height, and width of the GDE, together with a few other settings. If you’re not confident at configuring the settings, the GDE default settings are usually more than adequate for most website owner’s needs.

Embedding Your PDF File

Using the post edit screen for the page or post where you want to embed the PDF file, click on the ‘add media’ button. The procedure is very similar, but in this instance, you copy the URL of the file and close the uploader.

In the WordPress post editor, there's a Google Docs Embedder icon. Click on it and then paste the URL of the PDF file into the popup. There are optional settings you can change for the height and width of the file. You also have the option of showing the download link.

Wordpress GDrive
A shortcode is generated, and this is what you add to your WordPress post editor. The file will be embedded, and you can continue with any other edits you wish to make.

You can use the Google Docs Embedder to embed various other documents into your WordPress posts and pages.

Optimising Your Document for Web Use

For the best results, it’s better if you optimise your documents for web use. If you do this, the documents load faster, which is always better for your website visitors. There is a selection of free websites you can use to compress your documents.

If you have any other types of documents you want to embed into your site, converting them into PDF files is often the smart thing to do. For example, using a programming language like C# to convert ASPX file to PDF on your website.

The Final Thoughts

When your document is ready, it’s a simple case of using the add media button.
As you can now appreciate, adding PDF files to your WordPress website is not as challenging as you think. Follow these steps and you can populate your website with whatever you need. WordPress websites were designed with the novice in mind, and so far, they'not let anyone down.

About Author:

Maryn is a tech enthusiast and creative content writer. She is interested in all tech-related stuff, digital marketing, travel, fitness and personal improvement. Find Maryn on Twitter

Find Maryn on Twitter: @MarryMcdonnell
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