What Are The Different Stages Of Alcoholism?
Monday March 17, 2025


What Are The Different Stages Of Alcoholism?

Safe Milli
| September 12, 2019 Last Updated 2020-10-21T13:24:52Z

To diagnose and treat a condition, you have to be aware of its symptoms. Same goes for alcoholism. To figure out whether someone has the problem of alcoholism, you need to learn about the symptoms of alcoholism. However, one does not become an alcohol addict overnight.

Alcoholism is a disorder. Experts have a name for the severe problem of alcohol. The combination of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence is alcoholism. This chronic relapsing brain disease includes:
  • A bad mood when not consuming alcohol
  • Compulsive alcohol consumption
  • Loss of control when it comes to alcohol
Dependence on alcohol is progressive. The habit of drinking that appears to be harmless can get worse over time if not treated. AUD (alcohol use disorder) can be deadly as well.

88,000, this is the number of lives lost every year in the US due to alcohol-related causes. When it comes to alcoholism with smoking, poor diet and lifestyle, this kills even more.

Alcohol is responsible for 31% of the driving-related deaths.

Nearly 16 million Americans are struggling with AUD. The problem of AUD ranges from mild to moderate to severe.


Medical practitioners use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In this manual, you have to answer 11 questions to evaluate the symptoms of alcoholism. If you are experiencing two of the symptoms of alcoholism in a 12-month period, you should visit an alcohol rehab center for AUD treatment. There you will be asked the following questions:
  • How much time have you spent on drinking?
  • How often did you want to drink so badly that you did not think about anything?
  • Did you keep on drinking even when it was causing trouble?
  • Did you have to drink much more to get the effect?
  • Had you been sick due to drinking?
  • How many times had this problem interfered with your responsibilities?

The stages of AUD

Following are the behavioral signs of the earliest stages of AUD:
  • You are drinking more than planned.
  • Your friends and family members are concerned, but you continue to drink.
  • You have frequently attempted to quit drinking or at least limit your alcohol intake.
Your tolerance to alcohol is increased as this disorder progresses. You have to consume more alcohol to get that effect. When a drink is not available and you are dependent on alcohol, you can experience the following symptoms of withdrawal:
  • Anxiety
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
And, when it becomes severe AUD, loss of control and blackouts are pretty common. People living around you can see the changes in your personality. They start noticing the physical cost of AUD.

This can lead to more problems, such as:
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hypertension
  • Digestive disorder
  • Depression
  • Cancer

Get Help

You can visit an alcohol rehab center for help. These centers have experienced therapists offering personalized programs to help patients struggling with AUD. A comprehensive treatment plan includes family counseling, group therapy, yoga and other activities.

Some alcohol treatment centers offer inpatient therapies and some offer outpatient therapies. So, find one of the best drug & alcohol treatment centers and get treated now. Working with a professional alcohol detox service like Elite Home Detox can help an individual safely overcome withdrawal symptoms and achieve sobriety. Elite Home Detox offers in-house alcohol detox treatment and support services that are convenient for those who do not want to spend weeks or months at an inpatient facility.
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  • What Are The Different Stages Of Alcoholism?

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