Employee Attendance Tracking: A Way to Reduce Costs and Increase Work Efficiency
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Employee Attendance Tracking: A Way to Reduce Costs and Increase Work Efficiency

Safe Milli
| September 18, 2019 Last Updated 2019-09-18T15:47:54Z
Attendance management tracking

Productivity is the powerhouse of any
business organization and to grow in this competitive market, one must keep improving their company’s level of work rate. It is a proven fact that due to absenteeism, many companies in the US have suffered tremendous loss of revenue and productivity.

Hence, without any doubt, attendance management is extremely necessary and important for any kind of business to keep a track of their employee’s turn out rate. Even if a company gives the privilege of ‘work from home’ or ‘last-minute change in schedule’ opportunities, there should be still employee attendance tracking management.

To avoid complications such as loss in expense, decreasing morale and dedication to work, and delay in timeliness of work, one must work on their employee attendance tracking system. We are going to get into the details of the complications in the next section to warn you about the possibilities. So, if you are running a start-up, you must read till the end of this article.

Problems caused due to Absenteeism of Employees

As discussed earlier, productivity takes a big blow if there is an excess absent rate of the employees working at the business company. But, it is not just the productivity that diminishes, there are other major issues too caused due to employee absenteeism. Mostly, the reasons behind workers not turning up without any notice are due to sickness, any uncalled event such as the death of a family member or friend, or job dissatisfaction.
Here are some of the major problems caused.
  • Diminishing morale and will to work: Employees who would fill in the place of the absentee will be burdened with overloading work which will put him into stress and make an impact on his will to work and dedication.
  • Loss in expense: There can be millions of losses due to employee absenteeism as business clients will not be bothered about your employee not turning up and will cancel orders if not delivered on time.
  • Lack of performance: In other words, productivity will be hampered lowering the performance rate of the business organization.

Solutions to Track Employee Attendance and lower the rate of Employee Absences

We have discussed the problems, but now it is time to find out some solutions. As the saying goes ‘Every lock has a key’, there are some solutions that are very effective to track employee attendance and lower the rate of absenteeism of employees. As we always look up to technology for assistance, in this case as well, there are certain tools or employee attendance software that helps you to keep a track of your worker’s turn up rates. The modern technological upgrades have bestowed upon us with the privilege of such software that will easily do the work of tracking employee attendance to save your business from suffering loss of productivity, expense and so on. Here are some ways how you can track the attendance of employees and reduce the issues caused by employee absences.

Select the right tool or software for Employee Attendance Tracking

Since technological software is abundant, it is important for you to select the right software that is accurate for your required function. There are numerous tools that companies use to manage employee attendance such as the clock in and clock out card method, software used to keep a track of the employee’s computer activities, and so on. To track employee attendance and timings, there is employee time clock software which offers various functions as given below.
  • It keeps a track of the hours an employee spends in a specific place or some activity. Some workers are paid on an hourly basis so it is helpful for the employers to keep a track of the timing of the employee.
  • Employers can easily track employee attendance report to detect the number of absentees. You can monitor the process of employee attendance management with this software by detecting the amount of un-informed absences and implement certain measure to put an end to it.
  • It can assemble employee data into one single database for the employers to keep a track of the work report without any hassle. It is a tedious process to go through all the data of an employee so this software accumulates every data in one place for easy management.
  • It helps the business managers to make sure the employees are getting paid fairly for the work they do.

Conduct wellness programs to reduce the rate of Employee Absence

It has been reported by the Human Resource Management of various organizations that the rate of employee absence is increasing more because of illness issues. Thus, it is advised to conduct wellness programs often to do a regular check-up of the employees working there. Wellness programs make the workplace a healthy place to work and provides a salubrious environment for the employees.

Get rid of office stress

It has been noticed for a long time that workplaces cause the biggest amount of stress for an employee. Stress can lead to an increase in absenteeism of employees as they are bound to feel demotivated. To get rid of stressful situations, it is important for the business organization to create an environment which is comfortable for the employees to work and communicate with their respective managers.

Come up with a decently paid-time-off scheme

Paid time-offs are a great way to make employees happy and satisfied with their work. It increases productivity with a boost in their dedication to work for the business organization. Track down the most common days that employees tend to take time-offs such as Christmas, Independence Day and so on. Keep the paid-time-off scheme according to those dates for a smooth and efficient workflow.

How will your Business Benefit from Tracking Employee Attendance

Now that we have talked about the problems as well as the solutions, let us discuss the benefits of implementing the solutions in the right way to track employee attendance.
  • Employees will think twice before not turning up to the office due to the installation of tracking software. The number of frequent absenteeism of employees will decrease because the software will detect every little detail of absence and time-offs.
  • Improved productivity will help your business to grow and will not incur unnecessary expenses. The employee performance rate will be higher with workers working according to their shifts.
  • Eliminate job dissatisfaction of the employees by creating a positive and comfortable workspace with challenging tasks to motivate the workers.
  • Managers can schedule employees for specific task projects more efficiently with proper employee attendance management.
To summarize everything, it is important to take into account the whole system of tracking employee attendance to reduce cost and increase work efficiency. Not everyone has the same capability and we know how one rotten apple can affect the whole bunch. So, it is necessary for the business managers to detect and prevent anything or anyone that is affecting the work productivity.

The attendance management system helps the managers to avoid any sort of negativity in the business due to absenteeism of employees. They can now easily keep a track on their employees’ work rate, unscheduled absences to maintain a report for a successful business run.

Author Bio:- Ritu Kasana, currently working as a Media Coordinator with Techjockey.com. With more than three years of experience in SEO content and the latest optimization practices, I like to write on trending software and technology. I am a tech lover and always look for the latest industry trends to keep the readers updated.
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  • Employee Attendance Tracking: A Way to Reduce Costs and Increase Work Efficiency

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