5 Ways To Retain Blog Traffic


5 Ways To Retain Blog Traffic

Safe Milli
| September 06, 2019 Last Updated 2020-08-26T16:16:31Z
Content writer

The Blogging Journey essentially comprises of three milestones, Creating a blog, Driving Traffic to the Blog, Retaining Traffic to the blog & lastly monetizing the blog (highly depends upon the success of 2nd milestone)

Creating a blog & driving traffic to it is quite easy, to be honest. To create a blog you need to pick a niche that isn’t highly competitive so that you don’t get crushed by prevalent competition, to drive traffic to your content blog isn’t again difficult just adopt the best SEO practices, stay away from Black Hat practices & be consistent with putting out blogs Ta-Da!! That’s more than enough to driving traffic to your blog.

Let’s find out how do you retain blog traffic…

Why retaining blog traffic even matters?

#1. Google wouldn’t rank your blog post higher if users aren’t staying long enough on it, Google deduces that your blog post is awful, only good content deserves higher rankings.

#2. If you are unable to retain blog traffic then you will never manage to compel the resulting traffic to click on the display ads, as a reader of your blog if I am reading a blog post; feeling captivated by it & if I happen to see a contextual display ads chances are that I may click on the ads, publishers earn more if website visitors are clicking on ads.

#3. Why would you think you will make affiliate earnings if the traffic on your blog isn’t staying at all, for you to make affiliate earnings? People click on affiliate product links & make the purchase only if you manage to convince them with your blog that it’s viable for them to check that product out.

#4. A blog having ridiculous bounce rate will never entice brands to approach you for brand endorsements & sponsored blog posts. Search Engine Journal gets sponsored blog opportunities, why? Because people actually read their blogs so much that they even share there blog content.

Here are the most responsive 4 ways to retain blog traffic.

1. User Experience:

Invest in user experience, it’s all over the place; from the past year nearly every video of Neil Patel we can find that he is stressing on user experience. User Experience is not only the investment in aesthetics but more so of investment in SEO.

Why invest in user experience? It’s simple; Google is ranking long-form content; 2,200 word blog post is the new 500 word article which used to rank well. Whereas long-form content of now demands at least 5,500 word blog post. If a user comes across a 5,500 word blog post & the user experience is nowhere to be found no visual imagery no nothing then why would the visitor stay & read such a lengthy article (unless he needs your resource for assignment).

User Experience elements like colors, snippets, imagery, page jump links break the monotony & make it worthwhile for the visitors to complete reading the article.

2. Add Media:

Adding visual media elements like Images, Image Carousel, GIFS & Videos breathes life into blog posts that meant to demotivate the readers & turn them away.

Add media that is contextual to the blog content adding which will make it seem complete. You can add screenshots when you are trying to demonstrate an example works well with “How-To” posts.

You can add a funny GIF when you’re trying to make a stimulate an emotion that is relatable, MonitorBacklinks does this really well.

You can add a viral meme or maybe create your own meme in a blog post when you’re trying to address a problem that is faced by the masses. Just imagine you’re a reader reading a resource guide that is 6K+ words long & every once in a while you’re stumbling across these hilarious visual elements that will only hook you longer than it should have.

3. Provide options to your blog visitors

Over reliance on Text content can’t be good, it’s time you diversify to other content formats so that when visitors come looking for information to your blog they find multiple options to consume the content. Some may not prefer reading lengthy chunks of text, they can instead listen to podcasts or maybe watch it’s video.

A podcast can be let’s say 45 minutes long, a video may be 22 minutes long, now that’s the amount of time a visitor is going to stay on your web page which will only help you rank higher & guess what you managed to retain the traffic, never lose a visitor again.

4. Provide Downloadable Resource:

Providing downloadable resources is an effective way to not lose traffic. Again long-form content comes into play, let’s say you want complete information on Instagram Marketing so you Google “Instagram Marketing Complete Guide” you go to the first result that comprises 10,000 words, as you scroll down twice you see a snippet titled “Don’t wanna read it now, Download it’s PDF” That’s it, that’s exactly the solution you were looking for.

You may also make use of pop up subscription form to let users download resources this also helps with email list building.

5. Navigate the traffic internally:

Ranking blog content organically for a competitive keyword is nothing short of a victory, but what’s the use of gaining such victory if you can’t leverage that traffic to drive traffic to other pages which aren’t ranking?

That’s where internal linking comes into play, internal linking is more of an art than a chore. You need to sell links in a way that people feel compelled to click the hyperlinked text which will redirect them to the blog pages within your website.

While hyperlinking existing blog posts to short-tail keywords are recommended, I would highly suggest to bring in keywords into force it helps both with SEO by diversifying your anchor text & moreover long-tail keywords offers a solution which can compel visitors to click through.


User experience is the key invest blindly in it, blogs like Backlinko & MatthewWoodward are the epitome of user experience infused blogs, user experience also helps with conversion rate optimization, make use of visual content to spice things up, create a strategy for navigating the traffic.
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  • 5 Ways To Retain Blog Traffic

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