Find Success at Home, Become a Udemy Instructor
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Find Success at Home, Become a Udemy Instructor

Charity Prado
| August 23, 2019 Last Updated 2019-08-23T11:09:27Z
For those of you who want to earn a little more cash but find the difficulty to do so due to a busy work schedule, working from home is the best way to become successful in an efficient way. Things such as travelling, prior commitments, expenses, and a busy schedule could be some hindrances that prevent us from getting an extra chance at success. After all, we can only do so much in a day without getting burnt out. TeachinGuide, for example, offers a possible kind of work you can do from home by becoming a Udemy Instructor.

Working from home is a very efficient method of earning more cash without the need to encounter any of the external hindrances that were mentioned above. With the availability of technology and its consistent innovative movement, almost everything is now found on the screens of our computers with only a few clicks of a button. Udemy, for example, is a very accessible learning platform for both students and instructors. People may think that they need to be experts at a certain field before being able to teach it, but in reality, they just need to know more than most.
Here are a few reasons to consider becoming a Udemy instructor.

Efficiency and Time Flexibility

With gas prices steadily increasing and vehicular traffic not showing signs of getting any better, you spend more money and time going from place to place instead of using it to get something productive done. An average commuter living a metropolitan area will spend an hour or two each day travelling from their home to their work and back.

In a society where time has become more and more precious, especially in a work environment due to deadlines that are needed to be met, we are driven to become resourceful and milk out every last bit of productivity given your remaining time.

Working from home allows you to have more time for your other responsibilities since with Udemy, all you need to do is create outputs and record yourself teaching a lesson. This is much more efficient as you get to be more productive with the time you have. You can also say goodbye to the extended minutes that you have to spend commuting. Check out the other Udemy Reviews left by current Online Course Creators to know whether it’s worth it.

Talk About Your Interests While Helping Others

Obviously, teaching in front of a camera is not the only thing you should do. Keep in mind that you are taking responsibility of educating different students with eagerness to learn. They say that if you enjoy doing something, it wouldn’t feel like a job anymore.

Since Udemy is known for having a wide variety of courses to choose from, you are free to discuss any topic that interests you. Being invested in your work is not only beneficial to you, but your students as well since they learn better from a motivated instructor who teaches with a driven passion. You will also be able to spread your knowledge to others while getting paid for it at the same time.


Having busy lives could be quite bothersome especially when you want to try something new. Lessons, outputs, lectures, and other class materials become available to students 24/7 thanks to the availability of online learning platforms such as TeachinGuide.

Due to this, part time online instructors get to focus on their full time jobs in comparison to traditional teachers who need to be physically present when teaching. Therefore, you will be able to conveniently enjoy a little bit more free time while still earning money from those accessing your content.

Students get to go back on the lesson that you have prepared at any time of the day depending on what is convenient for them for as long as you are granting access. Traditional University teaching does not exactly allow for the same flexibility and convenience in schedule. Both professor and student has to appear at a specific location on exactly the right time.

Wider Opportunities To Teach

Your lessons become available to anyone else that has access to the internet. People will be able to get to hear what you have to say worldwide, making it a humbling experience to find out that you are able to help all these people from all around the globe.

The fact that you can talk about almost anything under the sun will guarantee you to have students that will be interested in investing in your lessons. Whether it is about Photography, Algebra, Learning a New Language, or Car Mechanics, be sure to put good effort in your work and make your objective for people to learn and be educated.

Growth of Online Platforms

With the advancement of technology at a continuous rate, online learning platforms are slowly taking over and becoming more prominent in the education industry. As more and more people begin discovering online courses, it is best to take action and help this platform grow. Take note that as this does become bigger, your competition is also growing directly along with it. Get started on your content for your online courses while you still can, and review others with similar topics to yours in order to touch up on some points that they missed and need improvement on. After creating your first online course, don’t forget to take their criticism to heart and use it to improve your future courses.

Once you are convinced to finally make your Online Course on TeachinGuide, you may be wondering where to begin first. It can be overwhelming since it takes more than just a camera set up on a tripod and having you sit in front reading from a script to teach. As we know, this new generation tends to suffer from having a short attention span.

Therefore, in order to gain a person’s interest and market your content, here are a few things to keep in mind when setting up your online learning course. You want to make your online course as sellable and marketable as you can. This the only way for you to earn as an Online Course Creator.

Find Out What People Are Interested In

Before creating a course for a specific topic, you must first make your research on the amount of people that are willing to purchase it. Even if you spend a lot of time and effort on it, having no one who are willing to access and pay for your course will only be a waste of time on your part.

Find out what people are asking and determine if you will be able to answer that question. As you create your online course, keep in mind who you are making the course for, and the answers that people may find useful. No matter how interested you are in something, you must not forget that you are still aiming to make money and become successful.

Create An Outline Of Your Discussion

By properly organizing your thoughts and procedures, you will have an easier time creating your course. This is because a step by step process is always much easier to follow, instead of cramming all your thoughts into one. In general, working in an orderly manner results to much more productive results and better work ethic.

This outline is not made just for you, but for others who wish to review your discussion outline before purchasing it. It is natural for a person to want to find out what they are spending for in order to determine if they will be getting their money’s worth.

Record Your Discussion

Once you find out which direction you will be heading with your online course, you now have to begin recording your discussion. It is best to create a script for this in order to keep a clear track of what kind of points you will be teaching, this also ensures that you won’t be skipping out on any important information that you may have.

As you record, you may want to have a Powerpoint presentation behind you in order to establish a classroom setting. Others may want to edit graphics into their videos after they have finished filming so that their audiences would not be bored with watching them discuss what they have to say.

Try to avoid verbal fillers or any habits that could otherwise distract or annoy your viewers. Also try to replicate a classroom experience as much as you can. This means that recording your Online Course should be done in a quiet room sans any noise.

Think Of Alternative Ways For Your Students To Learn

A video of you discussing things would not be enough to grasp a person’s attention, nor will it help them retain any information. This is why you must use your creativity to think of more ways to make discussions more interesting and engaging. A possible solution would be to create worksheets or interactive projects that students can apply what they learn from your discussions.

Proper application of technique is the best way for individuals to test their knowledge and assess how much they learned. Other things that help them understand the lesson more would be infographics, audio guides, tests, video guides, and other creative methods you could think of.

Publish Your Course

Once you have put together your discussion video and other outputs necessary, you are now free to publish your course and become a Udemy instructor. Make final checks such as the flow of your topic, audio clarity, grammatical errors, or glitches in the files you may have. Make sure to market your course to other people such as people you think will be interested in purchasing it. Find communities or social groups related to your topic so that you could ask them to advertise for you. As people access your work, be ready to receive any criticism with an open mind and use it as a guide to create better content for the future.

As mentioned, becoming an Udemy Instructor is a very efficient and convenient job to take since you are only working from home. Doing this will save you a lot of time and money getting from one place to another. You also get to spend time juggling other priorities by having an online job. However, you must also consider the fact that you must take your work seriously since other people will be depending on you to deliver information to them in an effective way.
Do not forget to check up on your courses and see if it needs any updating. You are also free to create more than one course in order to reach more people and gain more money. In the end, achieving success must be your main goal and becoming a Udemy Instructor is the best solution for it.
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  • Find Success at Home, Become a Udemy Instructor

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