Are you a working mom in college? Do you find it difficult to balance parenting and studies? Are you overwhelmed by a plethora of assignments? If your answer to these questions is yes, you are in the right place.
As a mom, we understand that you have to juggle work, studies, and parenting demands. At first glance, all these may seem impossible to achieve. But, if you learn how to write faster, you can have more time to cater to other demands.
Moms and college is a combination that can work well with proper planning. If you learn how to write faster, you can have more time to prepare for exams. Then, you will have no problems when your professors ask you to write a test.
Below are fourteen ridiculous tips on how to write faster in college. Read on to discover how you can get started on your journey to becoming a faster writer.
1. Research Comes First: Writing Comes Second
Researching is fun. You get to read journal articles, research papers, and peer-reviewed journal articles.Before you start writing, research your topic. Gather all the information you need. Jot down all the valuable information on a separate sheet of paper. When you have gathered all the information you need for your paper, start writing.
Starting with research helps you get all the evidence you need to support your arguments. After having your evidence down, you can proceed to write your paper.
2. Start Writing, Edit Later
Editing is when you take your first draft and remove all errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax. Editing is a process that should take place later on in your writing. To write faster, do not pause after every sentence to examine if it is correct.Write your first draft. Then, when you are through, you can go through what you have written and edit it. If you pause after every sentence to confirm whether it is correct, it will take you longer to write. Instead, write the whole paper first, and then edit it once you are through.
3. Outline
Before you start writing your paper, break it down into several sections. These sections should include:- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
4. Your Conclusion
Your conclusion is where you sum-up your paper in short and concise sentences. Your to-to-action also goes in your conclusion. Writing your conclusion sooner will help you focus on your paper. Highlight the main points of your paper. State why you think your points are relevant. And leave a call-to-action.5. Do not hurry to write Your Introduction
The first line of your paper is critical. It is what convinces your reader to proceed to the second line, and the third, and so on.Do not spend two hours trying to write a compelling introduction. Spending an hour on your introduction will not leave you much energy for the body and conclusion.
Instead, write your introduction after you have written the body and conclusion. This way, you will know what your paper entails and what you want to state first.
6. Polish Later
You must polish your paper before you hand it in for grading. Check your paper for typos, spelling errors, and bad grammar.You can seek editing help from Sometimes you can be too invested in your paper and miss out on the errors you have made. A fresh set of eyes can help you fish out these errors and make your writing seamless.
7. Practice Every Day
To become faster at writing, you must practice every day. If you write every day, it will become natural for you to type a thousand words in an hour. If you write an essay once a week, it is going to take you several hours to warm up. But, if you write every day, it will be easy for you to warm up and write great persuasive papers. Practice every day; you will notice an increase in your writing speed.8. Timer
Long papers are like gas; they expand and consume everything. If you are struggling with writing your essay; set some boundaries.Set the alarm for forty-five minutes. Work on your essay for those forty-five minutes without pausing. You can use the remaining fifteen minutes to work on tasks related to your essay. These include formatting, creating your cover page, or perfecting the bibliography.
You can also challenge yourself to reach a certain word count before the timer goes off. This will help you write faster in less time.
9. Stop to Write
If you have writer’s block, then stop writing. Shut down your computer. Take a nap, take a stroll, have a snack, or watch a movie. Do anything but think about your essay. Then later on, when you have had some time to relax, you can go back to writing. Do not force yourself to write when you have writer’s block.10. Research and Notes
The best essays cite journal articles, scientific studies, and peer-reviewed journals. All these provide evidence that supports your claims.Save your ideas, notes, and research on software such as Evernote or OneNote. This will help you find information faster and reduce your writing time.
11. Set Targets
Children, college, and work are likely the most important aspects of your life. If you want to juggle all these, you need to set targets. You need to identify what aspects of your life come first. When you set targets, you can distribute your time to your essential duties.12. Say no Stiffing and Take a Break
You must be flexible to adapt to your ever-changing circumstances. You must learn to adjust to the mixture in the workplace, in the home, and the classroom. You can also manage your schedule by being open to changes.Second, you cannot be productive if you have burnout. Take small breaks. You can drink your favorite caffeinated drink or take a walk. Indulge in activities that relieve stress.
13. Expectation
Set realistic expectations. Set targets that you can achieve without straining. Live a fit and a healthy lifestyle because you cannot be productive if you have burnout. If you cannot achieve all your targets, you can say “write my essay” to an online writing service. There is no shame in seeking help.14. Have Contacts with Colleagues
You need to establish strong relationships and connections by communicating with colleagues. For example, you can email your teacher if you cannot make it to class. Or, you can ask your boss to allow you to leave work early if you have a test. Let your child or children know that you have school work. Communicating with colleagues is vital. Though colleagues, you can also get to learn about college scholarships and grants for moms. Always communicate; it will help you a lot.Being a mom in college can be stressful. But, if you learn how to manage your time, you will go through your college years with ease. The tips provided above will help you write faster in college and in future to write a resume or seek help from ResumeThatWorks to save time in order to be with your family. This will give you more free time to indulge in other activities. Integrate these tips into your writing and watch as your writing speed increases.