There can be no doubt that modern tech has impacted our lives in ways we could not have imagined possible. For example, take the internet. While its benefits were massive, to begin with, its impacts, have been so consequential that an entire generation is now defined by it- the millennials.
Among some of internets best gifts to us is social media. Social media is a collective term referring to platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. – community-based online communication channels. It has served to bring the world closer than ever before with fewer boundaries between different nations and cultures than ever before. It also happens to be one of the best platforms to market one’s brand.
Indeed, the benefits of social media marketing are well documented.
However, one thing is for sure- these benefits can only be gained if the power of social media is harnessed correctly. To that effect, here are a few of the best way to acquire more customers via social media posts
Post Pictures and Videos:
We can all agree that if a bright, colorful picture or engaging video is much more enthralling than a bland bunch of sentences. As it so happens, the premise of marketing revolves around gaining a viewer’s attention. This is why your social media posts should almost always be paired with images or videos.While a brand could post pictures directly of their products or services, other options could also be employed. A funny joke or 'meme,' an inspiring quote or a trendy looking image are all viable alternatives. Remember, the goal is not just to market your product but to create a gripping page that people would love to follow. The more your followers, the better is your brand image.
A similar concept applies to videos. Yes, posting some about your brand is beneficial, but a page should also try to post others which are educational or exciting. A viewer would then not only watch it himself but may also share it on his page, thus driving more attention to your page.
Responding to Reviews:
Most humans have an inherent need to be heard. In today’s age, social media has provided us with the microphone we so desired- a means through which we can speak our minds. People talk about their views on everything politics to sports. They also leave reviews, both good and bad, about products or businesses- reviews which 95% of future customers value and read before making purchase decisions.It is impossible to predict what sort of experience each customer using your product would have, and thus, it is also hard to predict what type of reviews your business receives on social media. Even the best services have off days, so negative reviews are inevitable. The one thing that a company can control is its response to such reviews.
The replies should be clear, concise (2 to 3 lines) and mention the person and complaint directly. They should also be empathetic, apologetic, and non-confrontational. Accept the mistake, apologies, let the customer know it was an anomaly and take steps to rectify the error (such as offering a discount or refund).
While the business should try to respond to as many reviews as possible, never should they react to just the positive ones. I'd go so far as to say how you handle a negative review is far more critical.
Interaction is a drug to the human mind. That is why video games are so addictive to young children. A business can employ social media to simulate a small aspect of such as experience in various ways. One of these is through competitions.An effective competition for let say a wrist-watch brand could be a photography competition, featuring the company’s watches. Photographs would be submitted to the admin and then posted on the page for voting to see which one the best is. Such an engaging competition would get people who would not normally react to take an active part on your page, thus increasing interest.
The eventual winner could then be offered a reward such as a free product or discount on the next purchase. Note, however, that while a gift should be provided, it should be something related to your product and not, say a smartphone. This way only people interested in your product would take part in the competition. These people are more likely to stay on as followers of the page rather than someone who just took part to win a smartphone- something that has nothing to do with your brand.
Remember, more followers are good, but it means nothing if it doesn't result in more meaningful profit improvements, which are the eventual goal.
Other methods of paid advertisements on social media could be through social media influencers- people who have numerous followers who listen to and value the opinion of said influencers. Influencers can be people ranging from bloggers and Youtubers to celebrities such as athletes or movie stars. Paying these parties to promote your product through their platform and post on your behest could prove to be a widely successful strategy.
An ideal cost to effective social media marketing strategy involves a combination of both original content and paid promotion. This helps get potential customers to your page and then gets them to stay and follow the page. There are variations to be expected, of course. For example, a professional logo design services business may have to opt for more paid sponsorship than a clothing brand simply because the target demographic for the former is much smaller.
Advertisements and Paid Promotion:
Perhaps the most significant benefit of social media marketing is its flexibility. A business can choose to create a page and post content free of any advertising costs. Conversely, you could pay the site to have your content promoted. While the latter method is more costly than the first, it gets more meaningful eyeballs by being visible to relevant target audiences and thus driving more customer traffic your way.Other methods of paid advertisements on social media could be through social media influencers- people who have numerous followers who listen to and value the opinion of said influencers. Influencers can be people ranging from bloggers and Youtubers to celebrities such as athletes or movie stars. Paying these parties to promote your product through their platform and post on your behest could prove to be a widely successful strategy.
An ideal cost to effective social media marketing strategy involves a combination of both original content and paid promotion. This helps get potential customers to your page and then gets them to stay and follow the page. There are variations to be expected, of course. For example, a professional logo design services business may have to opt for more paid sponsorship than a clothing brand simply because the target demographic for the former is much smaller.