Do you take care of your credit file? You might have heard about your credit file, or you may not have a clue what it is. Your credit file is important. It’s essentially a footprint of your financial connections and movements. You should take time to consider it, as it could put you in good stead in the future.
Here are three big reasons you shouldn’t neglect that credit file:
#1 – You WILL need it one day and it is FREE
Some people think you only need to care about your credit file if you are planning on buying a house. In actual fact, it is not just house buying that you need a credit file for. Any bank account, personal loan, rent contract, or sometimes even employment contracts, require a credit check. The credit check will tell the person how responsible you are with money. You will need this at some point in your life, so it is best to keep it maintained as early as possible. It costs you nothing to do this.So, bear in mind that you should always pay bills on time, try not to hit an unauthorised overdraft, and keep credit card debts to a minimum (always pay back in full on time each month!) This will help build a picture of your credit spending for when you need it in the future. Even having a mobile phone contract that is paid in full each month will show on your credit file and will help you. suggests putting a utility account in your name. If you live with someone who has all of the household utility accounts in their name, see if you can transfer one of them into your name. Additionally, if you don't want a credit card, a personal overdraft could be an option as this also shows on your credit file. This small step can help build a better credit picture for you.